I’ve come to a decision recently. I want to run my first marathon sometime in 2011.
It has my heart in my throat thinking about it; the excitement pulsating through my veins at the thought of breathlessly crossing the finish line, accomplishing that humongous task, falling to my knees, weak and proud. Invigorated yet exhausted.
To begin this marathon journey, I’ve begun training. I thought after losing weight and being in good physical condition, that it wouldn’t be difficult, but oh friends, it is. This past month I wasn’t steadfast in working out, and in a lot of ways it’s like starting from square-one all over again.
It hasn’t been easy. I’m sore everywhere from pushing myself. I’m building myself back up. I feel so much like I did when I started my weight loss journey. The same aches. The same muscle-pain.
But the feeling of euphoria, before the aches set in, the warmness of my skin and flesh. It’s become cooler here, I can feel fall’s breath exhaling over us, I can smell autumn in the air. It tickles me as I run and feel the pavement hitting my feet beneath me.
I am ready.
Friends, have you ever run a marathon? If yes, what do you suggest for a first-timer? If not, have you ever wanted to?
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