Some of you who knew me and my blog back in ’08 may remember the Great Computer Meltdown™ when not one but two computers met with serious disaster within two weeks of each other, and the resulting thermonuclear eruption (by me) when it happened.
Friends, it wasn’t pretty. I was an absolute freakin’ mess.
I wasn’t, however, without my children’s pictures and such, because I thankfully had an old, second hard drive converted into an external that kept them safe and sound. However, it was (and still is) a dinosaur (and just as big as one, too – comparable to the new netbooks they sell nowadays). It simply isn’t convenient for me to bring anywhere because of how large it is, not to mention the fact that it is full. Filled. Done. Kaput. No mas.
Ah, the irony of it being of such an enormous physical size, yet it’s storage size leaves something to be desired. Especially when you consider the ginormous honkin’ pictures I now take with my Nikon D60 (mainly because, um, a certain somebody that shall remain nameless can’t figure out how to make the pictures non-gargantuan. Ahem.) I knew I’d outgrown this drive, and that I needed a little something (quite literally) that could not only hold all of our family’s memories and thensome, but would allow plenty of room to grow.
As if summoned by angels playing harp music, I was thankfully given the opportunity to check out the Seagate Shop at and provided funds to purchase the shiny new Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 500GB hard drive in VaVaVaVoom Red to test drive around the ol’ block. Yeah baby! I was about to implode my huge 250GB laptop with all the ginormous pictures I’ve been taking in the past year, my laptop is enormously grateful.
Isn’t she pretty?? Yes, it’s a she, and I have named her “Red” (for obvious reasons).
I am happy to say that the FreeAgent GoFlex has been a savior and thensome, and my computer is running much more efficiently now that it has breathing room again. My files and pictures are safe, and I am also grateful to know that I can bring it to grandmas house without feeling like I’m weighing down the car with an extra bag of bricks, or something.
So, tell me in the comments, honestly, do YOU back up? If you don’t, aren’t you afraid of losing everything, or do you do something else to back-up besides an external? If you do, what do YOU use?
To learn more about the Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex, check it out for yourself at
(The holidays are coming, you know.)
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