Not sure if you noticed, but my kids LOVE to draw. Like, *big*puffy*heart* drawing with crayons, markers ‘n stuff. I just wish they’d choose to draw on, y’know, PAPER, instead of my arm or each other with pen, the walls with marker, themselves. Sigh.
The Creativity Contest™, which Heinz has sponsored for the past five years, invites kids K-12 to enter and compete for a chance to be one of 12 winners who will see their artwork on over 20-million Heinz Ketchup bottles and packets.
Iconic pop artist Burton Morris is judging, and he will pick three finalists from each grade from all the entries submitted by March 4th. America will then vote online beginning April 4th for 12 winners on the Heinz Ketchup Creativity™ web site. The winners will also take home a $1,000 prize and an additional $1,000 for art supplies for their schools, and $1000 worth of ketchup! Dude! Ketchup for life! How cool is that?
Want to see designs that have won previously? Check out their Winners’ Gallery here! Or send a cute Heinz e-cards, featuring last year’s winning designs, to someone you think might be interested in the contest!
Classes can also download and print the Grade-specific lesson plans Heinz offers that are packed with classroom activities and fun facts about Ketchup, food and nutrition. (There are four different lesson plans available, divided by grades one to three, grades four to six, grades seven to nine, and grades ten to twelve.) Homeschooled and individual students are welcomed to participate, too!
I broke out the crayons with my children and we immediately got started. Unfortunately, I was forced to walk away, and this is the result:
It’s a good thing he’s cute.
And that I regularly stock up on Magic Clean Erasers. Word.
Surprise extra contest!
Are you a fan of Burton Morris like I am? Would you like to win a copy of his book, Pop! – a stunning hardbound in-depth study of Burton Morris’ last two decades of iconic paintings? (Retail value $60)
To enter:
Leave me a comment telling me some of the wackiest places your (or other’s) children have ever drawn on. Got more than one funny story to share? Tell me about it!
Winner will be chosen using Pop! contest ends Monday, February 28th at 10pm CST.
Heinz and Foodmix compensated me for sharing these contests, but my opinions, children’s messes, and humorous yet coffee-filled writings are always my own. Unfortunately, compensation did not include Steelers tickets, but a woman can always hope, right Heinz? Right? *Wink*Wink*Nudge*Nudge*
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