After spending what seemed like an eternity schlepping from furniture store to furniture store to replace the bedroom sets we had donated to a needy family before we moved, we finally had a good lead on a decently priced furniture store towards the middle of San Antonio. I giggled to myself because it’s a name I’ll never forget as long as I live – BLT- which stands for Bedroom, Living, Table, and not Bacon Lettuce Tomato (as we all know it as). The name alone had me sold. Wondered if they sold BLTs with every purchase? Ha!
Upon arriving, I could tell the way it was kept that it wasn’t the best furniture joint around, but it did have spunk, and tons to choose from. We poured over their stuff for hours, finding almost 100% of exactly what we needed. One U-Haul rental later, the truck was loaded, our wallets substantially lighter, and our house was that much more furnished.
We settled on bunk beds for the two girls, an “espresso” colored bunk bed that can come apart into two beds (if we chose to) later. The color is beautiful, and plays well off the hot pink/purple thing the girls decided to choose as their ‘colors’ for this new bedroom.
Until we ventured into yet another furniture store, potentially looking for a sleeper sofa. My husband nearly lost his ever-loving mind when he saw this:
I literally heard the man break into eleventy-billion pieces. His jaw dropped. His heart pounded through his chest as I saw tears forming. “Wh-… where was this bed last week?!”
And it was on sale. And he wanted it, despite the bunk bed. He didn’t care. And he sat there, staring. And it was PAINFUL yet HILARIOUS to watch, because he completely came unglued. He’d walk away, pretending to look at other furniture, then shoot this bed his love eye-daggers from across the room; loving on it, yet hating it all the same because he didn’t know about it before we bought their bunk beds.
This bed had the removable full bed on the bottom, for our older daughter, while fully protecting our toddler on the top bunk, complete with cutesy window. He was completely sullen, crestfallen, and mourning the loss of this bed, even though it was never ours.
I barely peeled him away from furniture store in one piece. Who knew a bed could break a man?
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