I’m one of those macaroni necklace wearing moms. I would love to own tons of pretty jewelry, but it’s the sentimental stuff that really gets to my heart. I also love wearing stuff that has meaning behind it, a history, if you will. I adore supporting mom-made stuff, too (so, as you can imagine, Etsy is quite a treasure to me). But making stuff with my kids, and for my kids, means a great deal to me, too.
After making that knitted hat a couple weeks ago, I was on the look-out for a flower to put on top or match it (like a pin). I’ll be the first to admit, while I can crochet and knit, I’m still not that great at it, and often times I mis-count and my creations don’t come out as intended (I’m still learning). I was looking for a yarn flower tutorial that was easy to do and would come out as intended without so much fuss. Desperate to make flowers RIGHT NOW in this nesting/crafting stage of my pregnancy, I found a different, yet easier route: I purchased a flower loom at Hobby Lobby (with a 40% off coupon), and, after looking at their yarn flower inspiration packet, I went flower-making nuts, yo! Woohoo!
See? After making a ton of flowers, I put them all onto a necklace |
I dabbled in sizes and different yarns, too. I spent days surrounded by yarn of all kinds, making flowers to my heart’s content while playing with the kids and watching TV. I experimented making barrettes, pins, and even dabbled in a couple yarn flower necklaces, too (tutorial to come soon).
A simple three-flower necklace and barrette for my Baby Sis |
After looping and darning until my heart’s content, I discovered I could make the flowers even fancier by single crocheting the flower loops around the outside, like this:
Are they not GORGEOUS!? |
- When making a pin, use a larger pin and wrap yarn around it, affixing it to the back of your flower to secure them by tying to the flower with extra yarn.
- Same goes with barrettes, get the snappy metal ones, wrap one side in yarn to glue to the flower (or tie), but do not use hot glue or crazy glue, it heats the metal and warps the barrettes so that they won’t close properly.
- When creating a square or hexagon and crocheting outside, chain extra at the corners to create the point-shape; three extra for squares, two for the hexagon.
- Thinner yarn works better for the outside chain than thicker yarn does.
- For double and triple stacked flowers, you do not need to darn in between each loop.
I am seriously addicted to making these. I find that thicker yarn comes out much better than the thinner, holding up better. I can’t wait to buy more colors.
Do you like what I made? Want me to make you one? Leave a comment below, from now until January 28th at 9pm CST, and I’ll randomly pick two people to win a flower of their choice, made out of the yarn I have on hand (colors you see above). 🙂
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