In all seriousness, he seems to have two marks around his eye – one red straight mark, implying he was hit by something with a straight edge, and another mark looks like a perfect bite by the corner of his eye, from an ant or the like. The straight-edge mark, though, is newer than the bite mark.
He says it doesn’t hurt him at all, even though it LOOKS angry as HECK. I gave him some allergy medicine and some arnica, both in tablet and topical form, to help with the swelling. I took this picture above to track its progress. It looked worse when he first woke up this morning, but seems better after meds. See?
Not 100% gone, but getting there.
Regardless of what this truly is, doesn’t it look like a Stallone junior? Good gravy, could he stop being my bruiser already? First stitches, now this?