I see the tiniest hint of yellow in the trees
Which is funny to me
Because it’s still 80 degrees
My legs reach out one after the next
Toe to heel and stretch
My arms grip and flex
In the jogging stroller, my children’s smiles are wide
As I feel the breeze, I feel my smile inside
My body soaks up the sun in stride
So long summer, hello fall at last
The stifling heat has passed
My breath quickens as my pulse is fast
Picking up speed to get to the park
The middle of the walk is our favorite part
Swinging the swings and climbing, especially just after dark
I inhale deeply autumn’s delicious air
The breeze permeates my hair
Tickles my nose from way up there
My favoritest part of the day
Is spending my time with my children to play
Neverending games like a love buffet.
And I never want to stop devouring these moments. Forever.