During the day, though? Psshaw. A freakin’ sandwich is simply too many parts for me to have to contend with my baby octopus. Even if created ahead of time, I’m lucky if I have enough time to slap something into a wrap these days. Peanut butter, fruit, yogurts, granola bars – all things that are quick eats are things I have on hand constantly. Consider these things “must haves” in my combatting hunger arsenal, if you will.
Most important things needed to feed a mother to small people:
- Already prepared meals (leftovers FTW!)
- Preferably meals that you can eat with one hand (wraps, sandwiches, fruit, veggies, cereal)
- Granola bars with lots of protein (protein helps keep her going, fills her belly)
- Protein shakes (already made preferred)
All of the above are super-helpful. I tend to like to prepare things in advance when I can so I don’t walk around crabby and hungry like a crazy person. (Or, crazier than normal. Ahem.) But I tend to get stuck in a rut, eating the same things constantly because they are convenient. I’m really trying my best to step out of my comfort zone, while still trying to eat healthy.
To help me combat mom-to-small-people hunger, Special K sent me a sweet little package of protein packed products to try, and I like where their heads are at. Protein meal bars? Hell yes. I decided to video my introduction to the products, shown below. You can see I documented my craziness in the video, I finally got it completed on takes 4 and 5, and I left the flub in for hilarity’s sake in the middle. Just smile and wave, folks, just smile and wave.
I think Special K was reading my mind. They really must know how difficult it is for moms to find time between changing diapers and fussy, teething infants to eat.
The meal bars were the first things I dug into, (hello, Chocolate Caramel) and they are pretty good, flavorful and crunchy. Delicious, yes, but I wish they had oatmeal and not those crunchy rice thingies (just my personal preference, I likey the oatmeal in my bars, yo).
Also included in the package was their new Protein Plus Cereal, which I devoured like a fricken hungry, rabbid dog. This? I totally loved. And, because I’m evil, I topped it with a bit of cinnamon and raw honey. This cereal is my new BFF next to my coffee in the mornings, man. I’m even going a step further, and trying it topped with some sliced banana next time. Mmm. Check out the beautifulness below:
In addition to the meal bars and cereal, I was given three different flavors of the already prepared protein shakes to try. These were only alright for me. They reminded me of the chocolate and strawberry milk with a bunny on the box that we used to drink as kids. (Remember that?) It’s just not what I want out of a protein shake, especially since I usually make my own shakes and smoothies, I crave a certain consistency to the shakes that I make/drink, and these were not thick enough to my liking.
With that aside, I really like what Special K is doing with these products and gearing towards helping women stay fuller longer with protein. I am hoping they expand and improve this line as time goes on, and I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with next.
Now, what do YOU do help stave off hunger during the day with YOUR small people? I’d love to hear what you’re up to.
FitFluential LLC compensated me for this Campaign. All opinions are my own.