Are your children excited about the upcoming holiday and looking to earn a little extra money to buy something for you or for someone they love? I think the holidays are a great time to teach children about saving money for things to buy, whether for themselves or for others. There’s a lot of spending that happens during this time of year. Why not incorporate your kids in on it a little and teach them something while doing it? You know?
Usually, I’m the banker. Usually the envelopes sit above my desk, hidden from their reach (mostly).
This holiday season, though, I’ve devised a different method for them. A holiday savings bank, actually. This is actually a test, you see. I want to see if this method works well, and then maybe I’ll come up with additional, seasonal banks for other times of the year.
In the meantime, here’s what I drew and designed – a holiday savings bank printable for kids. Print it on cardstock, cut out and tape, and you’ve got an instant, festive way for the kids to earn money by helping you around the house.
You can download it full size in .pdf format right here.
I figure, it’s a win-win situation. Kids get to earn some money and feel like a big kid by purchasing gifts themselves, and we parents, get a little extra help around the house. Nothing wrong with this plan, am I right? 🙂
I can’t wait to print these up and surprise my kids with them when they get home. (That is.. as soon as mom goes out and purchases some card stock. Ahem.)
What do you think? Is this something useful for you and your kids?