A few weeks ago I mentioned gardening with my family. It’s our Easter tradition every year to garden, and this year’s was quite the task. We had some overgrown plants that were taking over (again), grass peeking through the mulch, stubborn weeds that wanted in on the party, and a lot of crazy to trim back and tame. I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out, but now, 7 weeks later, I am so pleased!! (And now, no longer afraid to trim back, wow! What a difference!)
I felt the need to commemorate our hard work in some way, so I could track the changes over time. It’s also nice to see what works and what doesn’t, isn’t it? 🙂
I filled in the hole I made (accidentally) in my garden with a shrub, a lily, and some other small plants while trimming back the tall Vincas and removing the out-of-control Basil (which is actually growing back on its own! Yay!).
We cut away completely the purple stuff (because it was totally taking over, as you can see) and planted some wave petunias and other stuff instead. The dead area is recovering nicely with constant watering and fertilizer without reseeding.
We completely cut out this crazy plant (as there were two that merged together), keeping the front one and planting a shrub and a lily in its place. Unfortunately, it’s trying to make a comeback. But check out my gorgeous, winding Dipladenia, will you? Wowza!
Here’s a full shot of the front so far, complete with my hanging baskets that are thriving despite the 90+ degree heat already. There are a few spots in the garden I want to fill in, but I love the way it looks so far, and love how the new mulch looks in contrast, don’t you?
My front entryway is coming along nicely – I plan to plant that big plant (to the right of the door) in the ground soon. I love LOVE having clovers in those pink pots (lower left) – they have white flowers!
Our porch plants aren’t doing necessarily that well. The tomatoes (lower left), while producing fruit, look horrible (even though we bought them this way at a deep discount, we can’t seem to resuscitate them), and the peppers (up top) are no longer producing fruit either (also purchased discounted because of its state). The flowering basket in between the chairs was once plentiful but now has gaps (I blame curious, flower-picking small children, though), and the rest of the plants are in need of replanting into decorative, larger pots that still need purchasing.
Next home update will be our DIY patio area, which is finally almost done! How about your garden (and home updates), how are they coming along?