A few weeks ago, I joined a wonderful DIY community called “White Walls” for military wives who are looking for decoration inspiration to dress up our drab “white walls” in our military housing. Not all military housing communities are allowed to paint the interior of their homes, which leaves us coming up with creative ways to decorate our homes despite the lack of wall color. This community = seriously amazingness and brilliance.
In my travels through the beautifulness and ultra-inspiration I’ve found there, I came across a lovely military wife named April I’m proud to call my new, brilliant friend. She was sharing something she’d just purchased, and was disappointed with, and asked our thoughts about whether it could become a front door wreath, as she’d originally intended. Not a single member of our group could see the purchase because we were all too busy losing our #$%^&!! ย minds over her wall decor behind the item. Check it why:
She went on to explain that she’s OBSESSED with making these paper rosette wall decor pieces. In fact, while shooting images for this tutorial, she decided spur of the moment to make another! “This is your fault” she messages me, with her stove covered in gorgeous paper rosettes. I laughed. I don’t blame her, though. I want decorate with rosettes on ALL THE THINGS with this tutorial, as she has. I hope you’ll join me, because WHOA, these are stunning!
Hey everyone!! My name is April, and I’ve been married to my Army husband, Toby, for 10 years.ย I’m a craft-loving, homeschooling, stay-at-home mom of three (with all the crazy extracurricular activities that go along with the chaos). I’m an out of practice dietician who’s into animal rescue. In addition to making rosettes and being crafty, I consider myselfย very outdoorsy and love to do yard work. Myย favorite pastime is putting on my coveralls and boots and wandering the woods with my dogs.
I hope you’ll love making these paper rosettes as much as I have!
Supplies needed:
-12×12ย cardstock
-a hot glue gun
-a board of some sort – you can use anything sturdy enough, that can be glued upon, but do not poster board*
-buttons (optional)
-doilies (optional)
*To make a board of paper rosettes, you can use almost anything, as long as it’s solid and can hold the weight of all the rosettes (and they can get heavy, depending upon how many you’ve added). I do NOT recommend poster boards. You can create large wall pieces by piecing smaller ones together, if you desire. I have used a thick foam board, and my large piece is done on two different poster frames.
To make a paper rosette:
1. Decide what size of a rosette you’d like to make. With one 12×12 piece of cardstock, you can cut it in half and make two 6″ rosettes. With two 12×12 pieces, you can make a 12″ rosette. With four 12×12 papers, you make a one BIG 24″ rosette. In general the width of a piece of paper equates the size of the circle. Alternating sizes and decorative paper styles look best. Usually I fold the whole 12×12 sheet to save time, then cut them down. For the really small rosettes, I cut a long strip then fold (I use these as fillers).
2. Fold paper like a fan. The wider the fold, the bulkier the piece; the smaller the fold the more it stretches and is bigger, and lays flat. I prefer a mix of both for texture’s sake.
3. Fold together the side making a crease that will be glued. I marked where you glue in the picture. (If you want a border, just fold the sides up using double sided paper as I did here.)
4. Repeat other side, hot gluing both sides. You can also use tape, but I prefer hot glue.
5. Glue the folds and hold together to keep it from popping open like an accordion. (I do both sides.)
6. Add (optional) embellishments if desired, I prefer buttons, because I have loads of them, and I think they add a nice touch. You can also stack smaller rosettes onto larger ones for a nice layered look. Or, do both!
7. Continue to make different size rosettes in different colors with and without borders or embellishments. As you make them, place them on the board in random order, I try to leave no space between them so you won’t see the background. Continue making rosettes in all sizes until you’ve filled the board. Once you’re satisfied, you can glue them into place carefully. You really have to work with them and hold random sections to get them to glue together. Be patient, grasshopper.
8. Depending upon the board you chose to use, be sure to secure the mounting well and use strong string, doubled up, or it’ll break once hung. (Mine broke once, so I’ve learned now to double up!)
I have them randomly in my house and can’t help but to include them in most party decorations, too.
Heck, I’m so obsessed, I even used them for an ugly party sweater, too! I had glued hair pins on the back and had them hooked onto the sweater so they’d stay on. (And, yes, that’s battery-operated Christmas lights on there!)
I hope you enjoy making rosettes as much as I do! I’d love to see what you come up with!
– Guest post by April.
No! This doesn’t work! I practiced with an 8″ square but it only makes half of a circle. How does a 12″x12″ make a full fan? Yours are gorgeous, mine don’t even work! Please help!