Today I had an all-important doctor’s appointment to get my 39-week Are-you-ready-to-give-birth-yet? check (that crazy update will occur with tomorrow’s post complete with belly pics). As I stood up from the table, I noticed the mirror on the back of the exam room’s door. (Have you all noticed this, too? Why do doctor’s exam rooms each have mirrors on the back of their doors? What the heck? Anyhoo…)
When I stood up, I noticed in the mirror that my layered hair was slightly tucked behind my ears, with my long layers to the back and my short layers draped over my shoulders, basically making me look like I had a long bob. It suddenly hit me… that’s not a bad look for a haircut! I grabbed my Droid and snapped a quick pic, so you can help me be the judge:
What do you think of that length? I’ve had a length similar to this before, but I have GOT to be honest, after the Epicly Uncool Hair Fiasco of 2009 (and pretty much every year we’ve moved and I’ve had to find a new salon), I’m a bit gun-shy in the not-wanting-to-be-butchered department. Because I have skillz in the hair-butchered department. I am the Bermuda Triangle of bad cuts, y’know.
I’m also a wee bit nervous about such a drastic change just before giving birth. If I cut it short, it might not go back into a clip or ponytail as easy, and those first few weeks at home, convenience is goooood. But I’m also concerned about the Vulcan Death Grip fingers newborns are born with, and the whole hair-pulling thing, which is why I’m leaning towards “yes” as to getting it chopped.
This time, though, I would probably not get layers, I would probably just stick with the bob. Maybe a teeny-weeny little bit of layering at the ends, to lighten up the weight to give it a bit more bounce.
Maybe kind-of like the Anne Hathaway ‘do from this post*? Yeah?
Except not red. Noooooot red. I am too tan to pull that off. But the cut? Cute, yeah?
*PS – Don’t know where all the comments went on that hairstyle post. I wish I could access them, you guys had GREAT insight last time I needed your help. Sigh.