Are you looking to do something special and unique for your child/ren this Valentine’s Day? Why not print this love letter to your child and fill it with lovely words and thoughts?
What’s your favorite memory with your child?
What did you think when you met your child for the first time?
What’s your favorite activity to do together?
What’s your favorite feature about them – are they giving? Helpful?
Favorite memory or vacation you took together? Movie? Food?
The possibilities are endless with what you can write, but make sure what you write, however long or short, is from the heart. Even if they’re too young to read it, you can read it to them, and they will know this letter is a special one!
My husband and I shared the papers – he wrote his love letters on top, and I wrote mine on the bottom. I wrote to my seven year old (shown above): “I love how you are always helping me by my side. I love cooking and baking with you, and always making arts and crafts projects together. You make my heart smile, baby. You are, and will always be, my sweetheart! I love you!”
We printed these on cardstock to write and color in to make each unique. We decided to use watercolor pencils (as you know, one of my favorites) but you could use crayons, markers, regular colored pencils, stickers, glitter.. anything! We also plan to take pictures with each of the kids, too, and attach them to the Valentine to give to them.
Want a copy to print for your child/ren? You can download it here in .jpg format or .pdf format. Check out all our Valentine’s recipes, decor, and goodies too!
What are your plans for your family on Valentine’s Day?