I’m a compensated member of the Netflix Stream Team.
Do you remember your favorite shows from when you were a kid? I used to remember sitting on my parent’s checkered-print couch in the crook of my mom’s arm watching Dallas, or Bosom Buddies, or Night Rider. Gosh, just saying those names brings me right back to the days of Aqua Net, acid wash jeans, and hypercolor t-shirts.
My sister and I watched the Care Bear Movie so many times (and I am a proud owner TO THIS DAY of an original Care Bear). Strawberry Shortcake dolls infiltrated our room we shared (I can still smell her!) Smurfs were a family favorite, too, as was Saturday morning cartoons which included Transformers (Autobots, roll out!). And the Babysitters Club was every teens dream back then, amirite?
Being able to relive my childhood by sitting with my own children and sharing the shows I used to watch when I was their age – friggin’ amazing. All kinds of laugh-inducing awesomeosity happens the second they see Michael J Fox’s whispy preppy look on Family Ties or Lisa Turtle’s “fashion” in Saved by the Bell. “Did you guys really wear that, mom?!?”
“Yes, yes kids. We did. Now stop laughing and ssh! Zach and Kelly are having an argument and Zach looks really cute in this scene. I mean, uh…”
*quickly hides Zack Morris poster she kept from her childhood*
14 Classics to Share with Your Kids on Netflix
For your big kids:
1. Saved by the Bell
2. The Baby-Sitters Club
3. Family Ties
4. Jem and the Holograms
5. The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries
6. Spiderman and His Amazing Friends
7. Transformers
And your little ones:
1. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
2. The Care Bears Movie
3. The Smurfs and the Magic Flute
4. Strawberry Shortcake
5. Curious George
6. Sesame Street
7. Dumbo