Our living room gallery wall is my artistic pride and joy. An extension of my love for art (and simultaneously a great way to display it). I wanted to share how I created my living room gallery wall updates with you!
Our Living Room Gallery Wall
Upon moving into this house, the second I saw this HUUUGE wall in our living room, I knew EXACTLY what I was going to do with it. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE! Our ceilings are vaulted. I have SO much more room to play with! Currently, this is what our living room gallery wall looks like, I am SO in love with it and yet simultaneously can’t wait to add more stuff to it I haven’t even thought of nor seen yet, haha!
Decorating Our Living Room Gallery Wall
I find inspiration to add to it from everywhere! For instance, a few months ago, while writing about creating art with kids, I knew I couldn’t wait to add the kids’ artwork to it. However, we ultimately decided for them to have their OWN gallery wall – all as a result of us attempting to paint for this one! What better art to display on the walls than your own, you know? This was what our living room looked like during, it was total artistic chaos… and I loved every second of it!
On that wall art post, I shared an image of our then gallery wall in my living room. Back in June when I posted, this is what it looked like:
You can see the subtle differences of what’s been added since then, what I’ve been up to. Seriously, this is such a labor of love, you know? For instance, finding this Metal Compass Decor. The second I saw it, I absolutely had to have it!! You can see it wasn’t in the original image I took when we first moved in. When we first moved to Colorado, this is how it began initially. I snapped a quick pick of it and shared it to Instagram.
Here’s the progression of our living room gallery wall from when we first moved in (July 2017) to now.. almost a year and a half:
Isn’t that progression amazing? I actually almost forgot what it looked like before, LOL! I’ve always found inspiration online with others decorating, seeing gallery wall displays on Pinterest, etc. This obsession of mine first started out a few years back in our house in NC. There was a gal who lived in our neighborhood who made hand-painted and stained wood art, and I absolutely fell in love (you see it pictured above). My wall in comparison to the one now was small in size, but small area or not, MAN did it ever make me stop and pause to look at it whenever I was in the room. It meant a great deal to me. It was like an extension of my artistic self. Here’s my meager gallery wall beginnings:
Over time, the love grew and grew, as did my art collection both purchased and made. I got this for Mother’s Day one year. I went to one of those Wine and Paint nights with one of my best friends. I bought art from my lovely friend Robin’s etsy shop. I created cut out art using scrapbook paper and inexpensive picture frames. I bought mirror sets and homemade things from etsy among other digital art canvas size that I found online. That big “Family Rules” frame is a large print I made myself using scrapbook paper, sharpies, and a huge frame someone put by the curb! It’s so huge and heavy and the painting was junk but the frame had such good bones! Like I said, you can find inspiration anywhere!
Over 10+ years ago, I sold home decor through a company called Home Interiors (you may have heard of ’em). We still have so much of their decor, to include a few pieces on the walls here, including the shadow box shelves beneath the sunburst mirror. More inspo – I love these shelving ideas Vera came up with, too!
For my birthday last year, Brian got me the Friends frame (for my hearty love of the show Friends). In addition, every time I’m out, I’ll peruse the Target dollar racks. There are quite a few signs that were found that way (even some of my Halloween and Fall decor, too!)
I’m huge on creating art for your home, but you seriously can find inspiration anywhere. Like this printable coffee art from my friend Sharon! You can find links to some of the gallery wall art featured above on my LIKEtoKNOWit profile and follow my Homemaking Awesomeness Pinterest board for more decorating and organizing inspo 😉