Yesterday I was practically not online because all I did was tear apart this house, piece by piece, trying to find our car’s title to register it. No good, can’t find it, it’s lost in a sea of clutter in this too-small-for-our-family-of-eight house. (Desk is reorganized, though. Heh.)
I’ve been bitten by the reorganization bug, though. I want this house purged of crap and done the right way, toys in their respective areas, with towels hung up where they belong, and clothes actually put away. It’s been a long summer, and so hot, when the skin is melting off with the sweat, you don’t want to think of scrubbing, or pushing a heavy vacuum, or yelling asking the kids to clean up.
The past few days have been enormously AWFUL, here. And each day I wake up with the attempt to make it a better day than the last, and each day I’m proven that my efforts are futile, and the day is going to be sucktastic anyway, no matter how much I wish otherwise. (And I’m a pretty positive, uplifted person, with a lot of patience, so this is a big deal.)
The night before last I decided to surprise my children by making chocolate cake that night for breakfast (I subscribe to the Bill Cosby line of thinking). Yesterday’s breakfast was filled with smiles, and love for me for being so awesome as to make chocolate cake for breakfast without it being someone’s birthday (that’s one of our family traditions). This morning? Someone put their hands all up and down it, in an attempt to lick it clean of frosting. So glad someone enjoyed it, ruining it for everyone else.
And the garbage bag collapsed into the can, so I had to fish that out, too.
And my newly-9-year-old daughter is sneezing and coughing. She starts school this week. (Scratch that, 2-year-old is sneezing now, too)
And my toddlers beautiful, new polka dotted shirt won’t come clean of sidewalk chalk.
In fact, my van has chalk-hand prints and spray marks all over it.
(By the way, put chalk up to the hose spray, it splatters. Onto your car).
The garage sale and donate/Freecycle piles are overflowing as I continue my quest.
(Which means I am going to have to put a sale together soon, and figure out where I’m supposed to donate, after last year’s donation fiasco)
And yet another jar of baby food was left out, all night, instead of refrigerated. That’s 5 this week.
Oh! And my husband forgot, yet again, a piece of paper I need faxed.
I need a vacation. Or something. And yet, this is the last week I’ll be sleeping late, as 6am mornings for school begins on Friday. I’m not ready.
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