However, it hasn’t been that easy. You know how it goes with a newborn. I wasn’t finding ANY time “free time” to work out at all, and dieting? I was lucky to eat at all, let alone eat well. If I had time to grab something to eat, it was whatever I could put in my face fast enough before the baby needed me. I was a mess, but there wasn’t much I could do, the kids were all in school, hubby was at work, and I was home with two toddlers and a newborn who needed me more than the work out and diet did. I did whatever I could while fitness, eating right and taking care of me went on the backburner. It was a game of survival, after all.
In the past five weeks, however, I’ve been seeing more regularity to Baby V’s schedule, and as a result, I’ve been able to fit in fitness daily. I’ve also gotten smart, and returned to the super-easy-to-eat-and-prepare things that helped me succeed before (and are handy when you have a newborn) – oatmeal, whole grain cereals, granola bars, fresh fruits, ready-made salads, sandwiches, pasta salads with veggies, Laughing Cow cheeses, and yogurt. All of the above are things I can grab and eat quickly, often times with one hand, and/or bouncing the baby.
I weighed myself at the end of April. By the time I weighed myself thirty-three days later, I surprisingly found I lost 5.7 pounds. ALMOST SIX POUNDS IN A MONTH! By fitting in movement everyday and eating right, I was losing weight. I could not believe it!
To be honest, I hadn’t expected to see anything but failure that day on the scale. Having felt quite awful and blah lately, I was not only surprised but elated, refueled and reinvigorated to keep going.
- Every Meal Is A “Monday Morning” Keri’s outlook on this is SO smart. What she’s saying is essentially baby steps: focus on eating better, one meal at a time. This reminds me of what Carla said once – to wake up and recommit yourself to fitness and healthy living every day. Instead of looking at a week’s worth of meals, or even a full day’s worth of meals, commit to that meal, one at a time, and make that one healthy, THEN look to making the next one healthy. It’s easy to get discouraged if you see the mountain of meals before you as a whole, but a lot less discouraging to see only one. Your only mission: Make the next meal you eat nutritious, balanced and satisfying.
- Don’t Eat Around A Craving. This one is important for me, it’s one I’ve always believed in. Keri says to “Honor your craving with a conscious indulgence – take a few deep breaths and find a healthy alternative!” I love to bake, so I incorporate Truvia instead of sugar, and eat a smaller portion of things I like. Did you know, if you’re craving chocolate, why not add a teaspoon of unsweetened chocolate powder to a protein-packed vanilla greek yogurt instead of a chocolate bar? You’re still eating well, you’re just giving in to the chocolate craving in a healthy way.
- No-Excuses Exercise. Sometimes the biggest barrier to working out is just DOING IT. (Did you read what I wrote above? Time to workout for me is slim, I haz a newborn, yo!) Sometimes, in order to get it done, you need to make it as easy as possible. Instead of taking time to go to the gym, why not have weights or a resistance band handy? Perhaps throw in a workout DVD or even going for a fast-paced walk to get you moving? My favorite is dancing while doing chores, or lifting weights while the baby’s in a carrier. 🙂
- Satisfying Proteins. A healthy weight is achieved by a well-balanced diet containing a reasonable amount of fiber, carbohydrates and proteins, along with an appropriate amount of healthy fats. Dairy is a great source of protein, but it would take a ton of milk and cheese to consume enough for those in-between meal times. My favorite snack consists of a nonfat yogurt (like Dannon Oikos®), as Greek yogurt has twice the protein of regular yogurt and it tastes way better to me, anyway.
If you are trying to get healthier the right way, similarly to the way I am, do you want to join me? Because I’m breastfeeding, I have to do it the right way, not only is it not good for the baby (or for me), but crash dieting never works. Not to mention, I’ve never found the results ever lasting that long. I want to eat healthier and be healthier naturally, you know? I want to do it on my own merit, and I’d love a ‘battle buddy” to join me.
If you’re currently traveling your weight loss journey, what steps are you currently taking to get yourself there? Leave me a comment below telling me about it. I’d love to hear what you’re up to. Or, if you haven’t started yet, and want to join me, what’s the first thing you plan to do to change for the better?
By leaving a comment, you’re automatically entered to win a copy of Keri Glassman’s book, Slim Calm Sexy Diet. Open to US residents 18 and older. Ends 6/15/12.
I have partnered with Dannon to help promote the Dannon Oikos Greek Grab a Spoon campaign. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, which includes writing about the promotion and product. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.