These Red Velvet Truffles are CALLING me, man. I’ve made truffles a few times before, but I used OREOS when I did it, like with these Peppermint Oreo Truffles or these adorable Snowman Oreo Truffles. This was my first time doing it from scratch using a cake. Whoa, mama!
Red Velvet Truffles Recipe for Valentine’s Day
I’ve never been the one to take a perfectly baked cake and crumble it. I mean, what is that? This is the exact mindset I’ve had in the past when considering making cake pops (which is very similar to this, by the way). And then I did it, I did this. Are you kidding me with this right now? The kids thought it was the COOLEST THING EVER TO HAPPEN TO THEIR LITTLE BABY BODIES. “Mom, can we do this with every cake we make?”
Easy Red Velvet Truffles Recipe
Not nearly as difficult as I imagined, it was however as messy as I imagined it would be, haha. I suggest having aprons on anyone that’s helping. Define a specific spot for cake crumbling for the kids, and let ’em go to town. You need to prepare a workspace that can easily be cleaned, especially with littles, because they get a liiittle excited. 😉
Red Velvet Truffles with White Chocolate
Now that I know it isn’t nearly as horrible to crumble a cake, I plan to make MANY more truffles recipes and cake pops recipes in the future! We are seriously in love, a lot like the theme of these Valentine’s Red Velvet Truffles! (Get it? Love? Valentine’s?)
Valentine’s Red Velvet Truffles Recipe
For this recipe, we decided to use red sprinkles called “jimmies” (which mean they are the sprinkles that are long, like sticks). You could easily use the dotted sprinkles called “non-pareils,” sugar sprinkles (which are almost clear), pearl sprinkles (which are larger round that have a sheen and look like pearls), or fun shaped sprinkles, like hearts or stars or something, maybe?
Easy Valentine’s Day Red Velvet Truffles Recipe
The thing I like most about this recipe is that you don’t miss out on the cakey-ness at all by crumbling it and mashing it into a cake ball. It tastes INCREDIBLE mashed up with frosting! I mean, I’ve had cake pops before, but this was my first handmade one. Made by us, in fact. So I was kinda really excited. The kids are too. I hope you will enjoy making these Valentine’s Day Red Velvet Truffles with your children the way I did.
Red Velvet Cake Truffles
These store really well, too, so you can give ’em as gifts. You can send ’em into the kids’ classrooms for their little class parties and stuff, too! Pair it with my friend Kelly’s Valentine’s Popcorn recipe. Or prepare a nice package to give to the teacher? What a fantastic teacher’s gift this would make, you know? Getchyo’self some Valentine’s cellophane baggies and you can plop a few treats in there, you know? Or, to make a platter try this beautiful Valentine’s cellophane wrap for gift baskets or platters. These would make the Red Velvet Truffles even prettier, don’t you think?
How to Make Red Velvet Truffles
To make these lovely and decadent Red Velvet Truffles for your loved ones this Valentine’s Day (or ANY day, really!), you will need the following ingredients:
To make the cake portion, preheat your oven to 350. Coat two 9-inch circle pans with softened butter then coat it with flour, then set your pans aside. In a bowl, mix together chocolate cake mix, buttermilk, oil and eggs. Continue mixing until all ingredients are combined, then add cocoa powder then the red gel food coloring. Continue mixing until fully combined and color is solid, as shown.
Pour batter into each pan and bake for 25-28 minutes. Remove cakes from pans by flipping them onto a wire rackto cool. Once completely cooled, crumble your cake into fine bits using a large bowl. Add your vanilla frosting to the cake bits and mix. Yes, by hand. It’s gonna be messy. Bring in the kids for this one, it’ll be fun. 🙂 Once the mixture resembles wet coarse sand, roll the cake mix into 1-1.5 inch cake balls. Place gently on a parchment lined baking sheet and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Once 30 minutes has passed, microwave the white chocolate or candy melts with coconut oil in the microwave for 30-second intervals until completely melted. Stir with a spoon in between each interval. Dip each cake ball into the melted white chocolate and coat completely.
Place on your lined baking sheet gently and continue to deep each cake ball into the white chocolate until all are covered.
Sprinkle the tops with red sprinkles. Place back in refrigerator for another 20-30 minutes to set. Ta-da! Look at ’em! Marvel at ’em. So pretty!
Red Velvet Truffles Recipe
Make someone you love these decadent and rich Red Velvet Truffles for Valentine’s Day this year!
Hi, I’m Lisa! Welcome to my perfectly imperfect corner of the web where I've chronicled my life as a mom to "eleventy-billion" kids since 2007! Here I share posts with our family-friendly recipes, crafts and creating art, traveling as a big family, reliving my youth endlessly dancing to 90's music, and documenting our adventurous life while sipping coffee and basking in the delicious Colorado sunshine.