- Lose the Baby Weight – Want to Join Me?
- Pride Swallowing Time – My Before Pictures – Day 1
- Busy Mom Fitness – Kill Two Birds With One Stone – Day 2
- Busy Mom Fitness- Sweeten Your Disposition – Day 3
- Busy Mom Fitness – Eating Right and the 6 Week Body Makeover – Day 4
- Busy Mom Fitness – Eating Right, Special K & Recipes – Day 5
- Busy Mom Fitness – Oprah, New Fitness Products & Sane Fitness Cards – Day 6
- Busy Mom Fitness – Update with Pictures & Trying Hard – Day 7
How do treat sweets? Are you a sweet-a-holic, or do you rarely eat them? Are you a carb-fiend? Sweets and carbs can slow, stall, if not slam shut your ability to lose weight. Measurements need to be taken to limit your sugar and sweets intake, as well as cutting back carbs to a respectable level. I’ll talk more about simple and complex carbs another time. Right now, I want to discuss sugar and sugar substitutes (something you might know I’m currently struggling with.)
As you may recall, I went through a sweetener crisis about a month ago, when I was asking “Is Splenda a problem?” because of symptoms I was experiencing. You may recall, I was experiencing the following:
- headaches, horribly, debilitating headaches and migraines.
- aching all the time
- getting weaker and weaker
- feeling “not ok” all the time
- overwhelming tiredness, yet I hardly sleep
- back pain
- inexplicable stomach pain we thought was onion-related but appears after I ate, we just can’t nail down what it is or why
- Wrist pain and numbness
- leg aches (restless leg syndrome)
- inability to concentrate
I had previously discussed that I wasn’t exactly certain whether Splenda was the culprit, as each of those symptoms could easily be explained by other factors, such as recently giving birth, having a gazillion kids *ahem*, change in climate, water (our water is horribly chlorinated), and much more. I decided to experiment and stop using Splenda, to see if Splenda did indeed cause any of these, or if I noticed any change. I wanted to also wait on making any other changes, such as dieting, fitness, weight loss, to indeed “test” and see if it was Splenda.
Well, it’s been well over a month since I quit Splenda, and I wanted to give an update as to what I’ve experienced being off of it, and what I’ve used as a sweetener since, how my body has reacted, and an update as to those symptoms I was experiencing and what, if anything, has changed. (This is meant to give you my experiences, to give you information first hand, so you can choose for yourself which is best for your diet.)
Tiredness – still exists, but no where near as bad, but to be honest I think it’s because of my feeling overall healthier with dieting, change in sleep schedule, working out, etc. But there are points in which I could fall asleep right there. I think tiredness is just a given. I’m a parent. It happens.
Hardly sleeping – my sleeping habits have improved, but I doubt Splenda had anything to do with my issues in the first place. In fact, I noticed no change until I began forcing myself recently to go to sleep at a decent hour, now my body is getting used to that, and so, more sleep, thankfully.
Aching constantly – definitely not the case still. I didn’t notice much of a change after quitting Splenda, but I’m unclear when that stopped, so Splenda could very well have been the culprit. My only aches lately have been muscle soreness from working out and a pulled neck muscle giving me trouble.
Back pain – as I mentioned, I was in a car accident, suffered whiplash, and so, back pain is my middle name, but with working out and such, it hasn’t been nearly as bad
Stomach pain – while I’ve always had it, it has subsided somewhat. Could be Splenda.
Headaches/Migraines – this has died down, actually, by a great deal. The only times I get these now is when I’ve done something to aggravate my neck, because of my back injury. The pain in my back/neck will trigger a migraine. Or allergies, as opposed to everyday. This very well could have been because of Splenda.
Wrist pain and numbness – The numbness is gone. The strength is coming back the more I work out, could have been Splenda, or just lack of use in doing anything other than cooking, breastfeeding, holding kids and blogging *cough* 😉
Leg aches/Restless leg syndrome – I still have this, and still take Hylands Restful Legs. I think it’s just remnants of this pregnancy.
Inability to concentrate – I have six kids. It’s still called mommy brain times six 😉
So, Splenda seems to be the culprit for some while it may or may not have been the reason for the rest. But.. what did going off Splenda do for me!?
Acne – I’ve broken out on my chin and cheek. Weird, since I rarely ever. All in the same spot. Related? Possibly detoxing off of it? Not sure, but I’m just reportin’ it here, folks.
Weight gain. Hello TEN POUNDS! I weighed in a month ago at 163. Last night I was 169! And I know, I reported on Tuesday that I was 168 – amazingly enough, in one day I gained four-and-a-half pounds! Up to 173! I completely spazzed! I went and saw a “doctor” only to be told that I didn’t have enough info, and to chart my weight for 2 weeks and call them with the results, that they would not do any blood tests. Say wha? You know? I don’t think I have to tell you how much this concerns me.
Since then I’ve dropped down to 169, but still, that’s a lot, considering. It is more than likely the sudden sugar intake and salt, so I cut them both out, practically. Sodium is unfortunately in some products, so I’m doing my best to eliminate it.
I know, I reported that I only gained four pounds the other day. And then I got on the Wii Fit and found I’d gained again! So apparently, what I was using is NOT helping aid weight loss, in fact, it’s causing weight gain!
At first, when I quit Splenda, I used plain sugar. BIG mistake! I felt truly jittery and spazzy on it, and I crashed a lot. I was recommended stevia, an herb sweet enough to mimic sugar, with 0 calories. Here they are, the two stevia products I’ve been using –Sun Crystals and Truvia.
One day, when Truvia wasn’t available, I saw Sun Crystals, which contains half stevia half cane sugar, so I purchased it, as it came in a bigger box and was seemingly a cheaper stevia option.
Sun Crystals tasted marginally better, with the sugar already in it, and all, but after using it a bit, that’s when that out-of-thin-air weight gain appeared. Not sure what happened, or what the difference is between the two products, considering Sun Crystals just a combo of what I was using before, Truvia with sugar, but in an effort to find out if it is indeed the issue, I’ve stopped using Sun Crystals, too.
So for now, Truvia, so we’ll see how this goes. So far so good, I enjoy it much more now than I did in the beginning I sure wish they would make a bag, or at least an option without all the individual papers, right now. Perhaps the weight gain is my body saying it doesn’t like stevia. Or perhaps this was just a fluke weight gain in a day kind of thing. Or maybe it’s sugar-related, because I didn’t completely eliminate sugar when I first started using it. Or something.
If you’re looking for a recommendation, definitely get off the sugar, but if you do use it, use it very briefly and only organic raw or natural (unbleached – it will be brown-looking). In the sugar substitute department, stay clear of aspartame/nutrisweet, with all of its crazy reports of how toxic it is for you, definitely research and try and go with what you can live with, for you and your needs. You’ve seen what I’ve written here about Splenda, and my experiences with stevia thus far. I know there are others, too. Try them for yourself and see what works for you.
What about you? What sweetener do you use? What works for you?
(Update: I only ever use Truvia anymore. So much so, I bring it with me to be sure I only use it. Because of Truvia’s help in eliminating sugar and Splenda, I am down almost forty-pounds. See my weight loss posts for more details.)
sugar cubes on pink creative commons picture by klevo! via flickr
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Testing this out… 🙂
Helping you test it out! Looking forward to your TDT post tomorrow! =)
OMG! You can reply in an email OR by visiting the blog! How wicked
awesome is this!!! OHHH!!!!
i love disqus for the whole commenting straight from email thing. i had to take it off my main blog tho cos someone kept having issues lol but i still keep it on all my others.
OMG I can reply with my email????
hehe u sure can 🙂
So you received this to your inbox alright, then? My reply to you?
yep all in the inbox AND on your comments to your post. disqus rocks like
that 🙂
just testing ..
Here I am to help you test your comments! Looks like they are working!
Thank you!! I am totally replying to you in an email, and it will appear
on the post, too. OMG I love this!!
How fun! I love comment conversations! And a Mr.Linky alternative?! FINALLY. I’m on my way over!
Amanda! You can email reply to me, and it posts! How sweet is that!? And
yes, MckMama used the new linky today for Not Me Monday, and it looks
good! I’m so stoked for this new alternative!!!
Very cool – was it hard to install?
Not at all Jen! You copy your template, upload it over there, they give
you an amended template, you install that one by copying and pasting,
and WALA!
Jen – we can talk to each other all while commenting back to each other,
it posts the reply back to the person, emailing them, AND on in the
comments! Suh-weet!
Trying out the reply from the website. Let me know if you get this emailed to you, Jen!
Testing right backatcha 🙂 Let me know that you got it in your email, too 🙂
I was thinking about trying this out, too. Let me know how you like it after a few days!
I definitely will! So far, I’m loving the email-to-post-to-commenter
feature. So you can either check back to the post to reply, or check
your inbox. And the cool widget on the side which lists top commenters,
top posts and recent comments – absolute score! Pretty easy to install, too
Well this sure looks cool! You are amazing! I can barely post something on my blog and you pull out these super cool features! YEAH!!!!
Oh you’re so cute! This took literallly no time to do, I was freaked for
no reason, thinking I’d break my site or something. It’s a lot of fun to
be able to email my reply to you, have it go to you AND post, too!
How are you?
I use wordpress and it has a plug in that does this, you can choose who to reply to though in a list of people. I had to have it that way too, drove me nuts the other way.
I’m friggin LOVING this system. L-O-V-I-N-G it. Cuts my workload in
HALF. Maybe more! And its super cute! I win! 😉
Hi there, I just loved your blog, it’s one of the bests I have visited so far, keep updating!
Thank you for the flattering compliment, Isis! I appreciate it!
Yes, I too just joined disqus, so far i like it. I am glad to see you do to.
Oh I know! I love it! I love being able to reply AND email at the same time!
Excellent site, useful information thanks
Aww, that was too cute!!!
Thank you, I can’t get over some of the funny ways they fall asleep 🙂
Wow, your kids have talent! I wonder how they manage to sleep so well in the oddest positions, like your little boy who is seemingly standing up but asleep! And just how cute can your youngest get? He looks so cute sleeping with his one hand over the edge, so grown up! Thanks 🙂
I swear, I have no idea, but its HILARIOUS!:)
Too Cute!
Congrats on being Loyal Blogger!
Alyzabeth’s Mommy
Thank you Alyson!! 🙂
Those are great. Kids can sleep anywhere/any position.
PS: Congrats on being 5 Minutes Loyal Commenter. So cool to see a familiar face/blog.
Thanks honey! I was so floored and honored!!!
That’s so funny! I saw this when you posted it on FB yesterday! 🙂
Hey, congrats on being Featured Commenter at 5M4M!!!
{giggle} would you believe I got another strange sleeping picture taken
today of my 5-year-old again? This time it looks like his hand has been
swallowed by the couch LOL!!
Cute series. Kids crack me up.
Don’t they, though? 😉
How funny! Mine are all picky sleepers, they can’t just sleep anywhere. I’m the one who can fall asleep half standing on the side of a couch. LOL
OH HECK YEAH thats me too. Second I hit the pillow, or the couch, for
that matter…. 😉
Thanks for your comment over at Maternal Spark! See you at BlogHer NEXT WEEK! WOOT!! Adorable exhausted children shots.
You’re so welcome, Ann! Great great stuff! I’ve enjoyed reading you!
Can’t wait to meet you!
I woke up from a nap, and just remembered that your little girl and my little girl were playing together while you and I were sitting around talking!
Pretty cool….. BlogHer next year fo’ sho!!!
Aww,that’s so sweet! Next year for BlogHer and hopefully Type A in
September! 🙂
Don’t you just love how kids can fall asleep anywhere. Great pictures. Stopping by from MBC. I am now following your blog through networked blogs. Hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks Stacie!! 🙂
ADORABLE! So cute and that rail on your couch is amazing! I’ve never seen one before…love it.
Thank you!We’ve got rails everyfrickenwhere for our kids, even on either
end of our king bed since we co sleep LOL
This really sounds pretty nice 🙂
You have done a great job by installing disqus as the comment system, i think it’s the best!
Lisa, I’m sooo proud of you! You look fabulous! I really need to find the motivation to work out again but certainly can’t use excuses because you’ve got more kids than me.
Thank you SO much, honey!
Wanna work out with me!? We might not live next door to each other, but
we can do it together, you and me!! Besides, its fun to have a partner
in crime, too 🙂 {giggle}
I really should…I have that Wii Fit and the Golds Gym Cardio but just
never actually sit down to use it.
Catherine Davis
3 Kids and Us Blog | http://www.3kidsandus.com
The Wii Fit was what started me off and helped me lose a bulk of the
weight. I loved doing the hula hoops, running, and the yoga to help me
lose. The balance games were just a warm up to get me pumped about it
(who knew losing weight could be so much fun!)
The EA active is now toning me and really getting me into super shape
but I still use them both, I prefer certain exercise on the WiiFit, and
the balance games are just straight fun AND the Yoga feels awesome.
Congrats!! Im proud of you girl!!!
I SHOULD be working out and dieting…i need to lose at least 15 lbs and get toned- 🙁
Thanks Yasmine!!
If you’re looking to get toned, I have a few good suggestions – either
the Wii Fit (because its fun and is essentially getting you fit while
you play, but has awesome yoga to stretch) – the EA Active (which will
push you into getting into shape with regular exercises and sports) or
getting out and walking while using a variable resistance band (which
you can get at Walmart). A resistance band is better than using weights,
and you can do many MANY things with it, and it /*really*/ helps tone. I
was thinking about devoting a blog post to some of my favorite exercises
using the resistance band that I use.
wow lisa!!! so impressed!! you look HAWT!!! congrats!!!
Thank you honey!!!
You look SO good. I love your hair too 🙂
Thanks Tiffany!! (You’re one to talk, hot momma!) 😉 My hair is another
story… I’m having SUCH a time styling it! It took quite some time to
get it like that yesterday, needless to say LOL
You’re doing GREAT Lisa! You look beautiful and so happy. 🙂 Congrats on the 4 month mark and the weight loss.
Thanks Miranda!!! I’m hoping to look as good as you soon enough. You are
so sweet, I am so bummed I didn’t get to meet you this past weekend, but
soon enough, I hope we will! 🙂
Congrats, Lisa. You look great. Scott and I are starting back up with our Wii Fit when we get settled in the new house. Hopefully I can do as well as you have. :o)
Yay for the move and for starting up again! How’s the move coming
along??? 🙂
You two might also get a kick out of the EA Active, you two can work out
side by side on it. Hubby and I do, and we love it – we do everything
together anyway 🙂
{giggle-n-blush} thank you honey!
You look great, Lisa! Don’t let the plateau kill your motivation.
Thanks Amanda!
I definitely won’t let it get me down. I think the plateau is basically
telling me that all the ‘excess’ is gone, this is just trimming myself
down, now, and it’s going to go much slower. This has definitely been a
life changing experience for me this go around, I’m not going to
fluctuate, this is it, forever. Almost 9 years overweight is much too long.
You look GREAT!!
Thank you!! 🙂
YOU LOOK AWESOME!! I bought the Wii Fit this week … no to get my butt in gear!!! You are an inspiration.
Thanks Amy!! Oh, you and your family are going to have SO MUCH FUN with
that Wii Fit! The kids “help” me with all the exercises, doing it with
me, and there are SUCH giggles with the balance games, because they’re fun!!
Holy Schnikeys, champ! You look FANTASTIC!!
Way to gooo!!!!!
LOL you are so cute! That made me smile, HUGE! Thanks Jay!!!
Awesome Job Lisa!!
I am ready for the next challenge over at Shrinking Jeans but am also (slowly) working on it myself. I need to pull out my Wii Fit again, I used to be so dedicated to it.
Thanks Laura! I’m so ready for their next challenge too! That comradery
that comes along with it, I loved “teaming up” with others, and the
experience altogether.
Definitely dust that baby off, it’s fun! And the yoga.. ohhh, do I love
the yoga…
WOW! You look great! I’m in, what do I do? I still have almost 30lbs to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. Who’d have thought 25lbs could look so good – look at you, I’m jealous!
I have the Momdot trips as motivation too but a buddy or 2 would be even better!
Kim! 🙂 Thank you!!! I’d love to work out “with” you!! Let’s talk! I can
tell you (very long-windedly lol) what I did and have tried in the past
if you wanna hear all my craziness! 🙂
I have to lose about 30lbs (at least!), too! My high school reunion is coming up in November and I want to look GOOD! =)
Look at you! You look fantastic!!! Go Lisa 😀
Thanks, sweetheart 🙂 *much squishy love to you*
Wow! Congratulations! A soon as the air boot comes off, I want to lose some weight. Can we be partners?!?! I want to get EA Active… I already have a WII fit!
Thanks Cheryl! Certainly!! 🙂
Oh, you look fabulous!!! I wish I could find the motivation. Congrats!
Thank you Rhea! That’s definitely one thing you need is motivation. For
me, I had owned the wii fit for about a month, and was doing okay on it
(but not dieting) and I really didn’t have the fire to lose the weight
yet. I was having fun, mind you, because it is great fun to play, but it
didn’t really sink in as to what I should be doing until one day it told
me I gained/ four pounds in a day/. I literally freaked out, went to the
doctor, because I was afraid, you know? I wanted to know what was wrong
with me!! They told me to keep track of my weight every day, to weigh
naked, and to start dieting, that, at the time, they could find nothing
wrong. So I did, because I was afraid, I didn’t know what was happening.
And every since, because of that fear and the fear I had on my son’s
birthday being rushed to the hospital for abdominal pain and a racing
heart, I realize that, unless I got myself under control, my body will
have “it’s say” no matter what. It was really scary to not be in
control, to feel my heart race, to feel something wrong and know that I
had to fix it. I’m too scared to know what the “or else” is.
You will get there, there will be an epiphany for you, or something that
just clicks to motivate you. And when it does, come see me, I’ll be your
partner 🙂 *hugs*
You go girl! You look great! I will be adding this to my list of faves so i can use you and inspiration after i pop this kiddo out in November!
Thank you!! You made me giggle with “pop this kiddo out” lol I used to
say the same phrase!!! You are so sweet, thank you for faving it and
using it as inspiration, that made my day {blush}
How are ya feeling, btw?? 🙂
You are so very welcome and thank you for being brave and sharing your journey so i can be inspired. I think i always start out saying things like “when i give birth” or “when the baby arrives” but as i get closer to the end and things get more uncomfortable it becomes “when the kid is here” or “when i pop this kiddo out”. Either way i am so happy to have made you have a better day!
I am doing well! only 15 more weeks to go and it seems to be flying by!
HOLY CRAP 15 weeks to go, it IS flying by, I swear you only just
announced you were pregnant!! (I felt the same way with my last two, too!)
Thanks again, honey, you definitely did 🙂
I feel the same way! My first pregnancy seemed to linger forever but the next and this one seem to have flown by so fast my head is spinning. I am compiling questions for my midwife now and looking for anyone to give me some good questions to ask like hospital vs birthing center, midwife vs dr, breastfeeding questions ect? Any suggestions?
How “natural” do you want the birth to be? How much intervention? Did
you feel it was too much, or not enough? Really sit and mingle over that
one – do you like laboring on your own with your own things around you,
or do you feel safer in the hospital, “just in case”? Once you answer
those, the others will be easier.
For me, with my last two births, I labored at home until I was in
transition – I arrived at the hospital both times at 8cms ready to rock
pronto! Laboring at home for me was so much nicer, easier, my stuff, I
could walk, lay on my couch, my bed, my bath, y’know? Once I got there,
it was so clean and hospital-like and not home and it made me anxious. I
would’ve loved to have had a midwife, but luckily each doctor I’ve had
(with the exception of one on rounds once) was a joy.
My intentions all along with both my boys were to go completely natural with a midwife and the least amount of intervention but because of early bleeding was unable to do this.
This time since everything has been perfect, the plan is to stay at home as long as possible (the birthing center is about a 20 min drive if not speeding) and then head for the birthing center. They have a birthing tub, showers, and everything is set up more like a home than a hospital.
They are only about a block from a hospital should anything go wrong and they call the hospital as soon as you call and say your on the way so they can have emergency vehicles already there encase of an emergency.
I always felt very trapped and at the whim of the doctors at the hospital rather than having my own opinions and wants looked at. I hope to avoid that this time around.
They provide a doula and a midwife to help with everything but let you set the boundaries as to how involved they are. I am really hoping for a whole different experience this time around.
Oh my gosh girl, that is WONDERFUL! And you know what else? That sounds
EXACTLY like what I got (the dream birth) with my toddler. I didn’t have
a great birthing center, it was still an Army hospital, but I had a
FANTASTIC doctor who truly understood I wanted it natural, and sent me
home in labor to do “my thing”. I came back huffing and puffing at 8cms,
and it was just a dream. It really was, it made me feel good to make
their lunches, clean the kitchen, rest on my couch, do my own thing at
home while laboring. She was a dream pregnancy, too, perfect round
belly, hardly any weight gain, it was just – perfect. I think you’re
going to get your wish. Go for it!!!!
(Also, just to excite you a little – mine was a girl. Steph from
Adventures in Babywearing finally got her home birth, and she was a
girl, too. Perhaps yours, heading in the same direction, could be a girl
as well??) 🙂
That is what i am hoping for. Honestly i have to admit i am scared to death. When in the hospital you always know that an epidural is a back up option if you cant take it but laboring on my own and then at a birthing center it isn’t an option anymore. It just scares me to think what if i cant handle it. Does that make sense?
They confirmed a boy on my 20 week us but the funny thing is everyone keeps telling me that i am having a girl. I have been really hesitant to call him by his name that we have chosen. It is almost as if i am not comfortable with a boy name?!?
Oh my gosh girl, that is WONDERFUL! And you know what else? That sounds
EXACTLY like what I got (the dream birth) with my toddler. I didn’t have
a great birthing center, it was still an Army hospital, but I had a
FANTASTIC doctor who truly understood I wanted it natural, and sent me
home in labor to do “my thing”. I came back huffing and puffing at 8cms,
and it was just a dream. It really was, it made me feel good to make
their lunches, clean the kitchen, rest on my couch, do my own thing at
home while laboring. She was a dream pregnancy, too, perfect round
belly, hardly any weight gain, it was just – perfect. I think you’re
going to get your wish. Go for it!!!!
(Also, just to excite you a little – mine was a girl. Steph from
Adventures in Babywearing finally got her home birth, and she was a
girl, too. Perhaps yours, heading in the same direction, could be a girl
as well??) 🙂
Oh my gosh girl, that is WONDERFUL! And you know what else? That sounds
EXACTLY like what I got (the dream birth) with my toddler. I didn’t have
a great birthing center, it was still an Army hospital, but I had a
FANTASTIC doctor who truly understood I wanted it natural, and sent me
home in labor to do “my thing”. I came back huffing and puffing at 8cms,
and it was just a dream. It really was, it made me feel good to make
their lunches, clean the kitchen, rest on my couch, do my own thing at
home while laboring. She was a dream pregnancy, too, perfect round
belly, hardly any weight gain, it was just – perfect. I think you’re
going to get your wish. Go for it!!!!
(Also, just to excite you a little – mine was a girl. Steph from
Adventures in Babywearing finally got her home birth, and she was a
girl, too. Perhaps yours, heading in the same direction, could be a girl
as well??) 🙂
wow Lisa! you look A-Mazing! Way to go woman! I wish I had more motivation, I think I may start waking up earlier in the morning to walk before everyone gets up, you’ve inspired me!
Aww, thank you Tara! {blush} Walking in the morning is SO AWESOME, I
love that morning air, I love the quiet, the birds, the dew, it is so
refreshing!! I love it particularly in the spring when there’s that
slight chill in the air, and in the fall when its begun to get cooler
and you can almost smell the winter creeping in. I think YOU have
inspired ME to start doing it too! Thank you!
YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! I have the EASActive AND the Wii-fit!! What are your routines? I want to look like you!!! I did the 30-day challenge the day the Active came out & lost NO lbs…just a few inches here & there. Started Weight-Watchers (doing it myself after free wk online trial ended) and bought a DS & Personal Trainer Walking, inspired by wiimoms and have definitely become more aware of being active. I JUST learned that I could “Free-Step” on the Wii-Fit that I’ve had since Christmas and did it both days now since figuring that out. Felt good, got on the scale…UP 1 lb! Getting frustrated…how do YOU do it, can you share your routines? THANKS girl!! =)
Oh, you are so sweet Shannon!!
I believe the 30 day challenge will help you tone and get active,
strengthen your muscles, lose inches but I’m not 100% certain it’s goal
is to help you to lose weight as much as it is to get you more active
and “feeling fit”. My husband is doing the 30 Day Challenge. I tried one
of their pre-formatted workouts and after 17 minutes my legs were on
fire when it was supposed to be a 20 minute “all over” workout that had
only focused on legs, one leg exercise after the next! UGH! I then
discovered I could make up my OWN routines and thats what I do (my
routine is below) – I do what I enjoy, what works out where *I* want to
work out, and it even gives you an indicator at the bottom telling you
what percentages of your workouts go to your upper, lower and are
aerobic (sweet!) I dont think they’re accurate as to calories lost,
though, so I do it for the sake of toning and getting in shape, because
it works! I like then doing the Wii Fit’s aerobic section, then yoga and
balance games to cool down and end on a fun note. Or sometimes I’ll
start with the Wii Fit balance games, go to the aerobic, then yoga, then
later do EA Active. I keep changing it up so my body doesn’t know what
to expect to keep it active and not get ‘bored’. 🙂
I’ve never tried Weight Watchers – just whatever you do, be careful of
your salt and sugar intake- you’d be surprised how much you drop when
you cut both of those out, and start choosing low fat over regular (like
low fat sour cream and milk). I so would love that DS Personal Trainer
thing to try, that would so rock to be able to work out without being
strapped to my Wii!
By the way, the Free Step and Free run are AWESOME to do and to watch a
show DVRed or something while you do it, or watch something with the
kids. I love to use weights and do arm exercises while doing the free step!
My routine with EA Active is – heavy bag hard, dance fast 3 & 4 hard,
dance fastest 1 & 2 hard, kick ups, run/walk medium, alternating bicep
curl hard, shoulder press hard, alt. tricep kickbacks hard, front
shoulder raises hard, upright rows hard, alternating side lunge/toe
touch, alternating standing knee crunches hard, squats, squats with toe
raises, shoot/pass 1 (basketball), inline skating, pitch/catch/bat,
batting 1 hard, back/front/mid court, and serve/bump/set/block. About 30
minutes of buck-kickin’ 😉
For Wii Fit I do both hula hoops, I do the step, adv step or free step
to watch a show, I do the partner run a couple times with my kids (since
they smoke the crap out of me with their little legs) or I do the single
run island lap. I do the first 7 or 8 exercises of yoga, with a few at
the end, like the dance. I then end with a couple balance games for fun 🙂
As far as diet, I eat a lot of small meals to keep my metabolism going,
I start the day with a Slim Fast shake I make myself with the chocolate
royale shake mix, 1/2 water 1/2 skim milk, tbsp peanut butter, 1/2
banana, benefiber, shake of cinnamon and ice. Like having a milkshake
from an ice cream shop everyday – I love it! I choose sensibly,
substitute turkey and chicken for beef (so I don’t bulk up), I choose
low or no sodium foods, with no sugar or salt (I use Truvia in my coffee
and tea) and if I have to splurge, say, eating out, I still ensure I
choose wisely, and have vegetables/salads, but don’t skip dessert unless
I’m uber-full. After all, we don’t have to punish ourselves and deprive
ourselves constantly 😉 I just do dont it all the time, either.
I am here to help if you need it, contact me anytime!! 🙂
I’m going to do it ALL & start RIGHT NOW!!! THANK YOU, Lisa! YOU are a TRUE INSPIRATION!! I am mad-crazy inspired!!!!!!!! *squishy tight hugs*!! =)
I am so SO glad!! You can do it, I know you can! Email me if you need
anything, save it since I emailed you, K?? 🙂
Lisa, you look amazing! You should be so proud!
I want to get an EA Active… no money to buy one now, but that is what I really want. I don’t find I get a good workout just from the Wii Fit.
Stefany, thank you! Most of my weight loss came from the Wii Fit,
actually! I bought the EA Active to get me over my plateau, and I’m
glad, because it is helping strengthen me and make me feel like I could
kick butt lol, but there are things I like better on the Wii Fit than
the EA Active, and vice versa. I think they both complement each other
well 🙂
What are you doing on the Fit that counts as a workout? (don’t say yoga, don’t say yoga!)
I find that it is more fun and not a lot of exercise. Do tell how you got it to work so well for you!
LOL um.. I do the hula hoops, the step, the running, the
(thing-that-shall-not-be-named) and the balance games LOL
At first, to get warmed up, I did the balance games. They got me excited
and once I’d go through each game,I’d move on next to aerobics. After
that, I’d *try* the strength, but at the time my back wasn’t good, and
so I couldn’t do half, so I’d do yoga. Yoga, while it hurt at first, I
could do, and the more you do it the easier it gets. In fact, now using
the EA Active and strengthening myself even more, the yoga has not only
gotten easier, but more enjoyable (I think the trainer even says that on
the game, too lol)
Lisa you look awesome! We just got a wii, so now I’m thinking of maybe getting the EA Active. I don’t really need to loose any weight, but I wouldn’t mind being more toned. I am just not a workout person at all. I should just bite the bullet and do it.
Yay, you DID get the Wii! Congrats!! And thank you!! You can tone up
with either of them, really. With the Wii Fit you’ll be able to play
games that entertain the kids. With the EA Active it’s exercising that
measures calories lost that help tone and focus on certain groups. It’s
a toss up, they work well together for those really focused on results,
but it all depends upon what you want from it 😉
In the meantime, play games w/ your kids on the Wii, and spring for a
resistance band from Walmart – that’ll help you tone. Should be in the
fitness section, near the yoga mats and weights 😉
Thanks! I have a resistance band. I got it with the 6 week body makeover thingy I tried. I tried the diet and it did speed up my metabolism, but I would go from one minute not being hungry to the next being ravenous. I had to eat right then or I would pass out. This didn’t work so well when I was working and in the spa with a client. I couldn’t excuse myself to go eat. I did it for about 3 weeks and then had to quit. Like I said, I don’t need to loose weight, in fact if I loose more than 10 lbs I’m considered underweight thanks to my height. I just know I’m not as limber as I used to be, and my thighs could use some toning up.
Yes, that resistance band is good! I still have it! Yes, the diet will
rock your metabolism hard! Just do the exercises for it, then, and
you’ll tone up pretty quick. Do the breathing/walking exercise, too. I
always loved how I felt after walking and breathing that way.
Awesome job!!! You go girl!
Thanks Shana!! 🙂
You look a lot smaller than an 8! I am so proud of you! Congratulations! What an achievement!
Oh my goodness, you are officially hired as my ego booster-upper! For-ev-ah!
Thank you so much!
You just look amazing!
Thanks Amber! Hoping to look somewhere in the realm of as fabulous as
you before I meet you! 🙂
YOU ROCK! This is so great, Lisa! YOU LOOK HOT!
Thanks Maggie, errr I mean Heather {giggle}
(You know I’m kidding)
(You know I love you)
(Right?) 😉
ok…man I need to get up off my butt and stop making excuses! WOW! Im so impressed and amazed AND inspired! I have the EAS Active, but am now wanting the Wii Fit. I just got a new pair of running shoes to hope I can start running- even though I get horrible shin splints usually. Well- I will be trying to get pregnant again by the Fall, so Im hoping to drop as much as possible before then. I really SUCK at motivation which I have read alot of these ladies saying the same thing. I wish there was a viagra-style pill for motivation!! haah! Im also glad you told Shannon (my sister) all the great things you do including that yummy sounding morning shake!! thanks for sharing and as of now you are my “fitness hero!”
Erika, you are such a sweetheart, thank you so much!!
The shake is fantastic, I certainly do not mind making it once if not
twice a day, it is filling and delicious, and feels like I’m cheating
with a chocolate malt every morning!!
Do NOT run, especially on the hard road, if you have troubles with shin
splints (my husband does too), try doing the EA Active running, this way
you’re wearing your shoes inside on a carpet, and not for that long.
Start with the short run/walk, first. I also do the kick ups, which is a
lighter version of the run, where you try to kick your own butt (lol)
You can do it, she’s motivated enough probably for the both of you now
{giggle}, so partner with her and I’m tellin’ ya, you couple some good
quality vitamins with that shake, along with a little fitness and
healthy meal choices, and you’re gonna start feeling better and that’ll
be the motivation to keep on keepin’ on, I promise! Email me if you need
anything, okay??
What an accomplishment! Congrats!!
Thanks so much Cheryl!!
Holy hotness, Batman! I want to chew on you!
You’re one to talk, Hottie McHots-A-Lot!! Rawr, baby, rawr! I’m ready
whenever you are! {giggle}
aren’t you gorgeous!!! you are gorgeous either way, but wow – you’re one hottie now 😉 way to go!!
Sarah, you are a sweetheart, thank you! (You’re also hired, too.
Personal Massager-To-My-Ego) {giggle}
Lisa, that is incredible! How awesome!! Go YOU!!!
Thank you Sarah!!! 🙂
Congrats! You look great!
I’ve just started my weight loss journey and am taking Aquacize. I really like it and it’s working so far. I’ve wanted the Wii Fit for a while. Maybe in the winter I’ll try it. Again, congratulations!!!
Kasey, thank you so much! I see the Wii Fit is more available now (there
were 2 in stock at my local Walmart). I hadn’t heard of Aquacize before
your mentioning it! Glad to hear it’s working so far! 🙂 Way to go
yourself, hon!! 🙂
Oh you should try Aquacize out! I love it! You can work so hard at it and
you don’t even realize because it is so easy on your body and you don’t
sweat much due to the water. It trims your whole body too!
Kasey Schwartz
Little Sprouts Family Daycare
Chatham, IL 62629
Follow my blogs!
nice blog, thanks for the post.
OMG! LISA! This is great!!! Congrats! Keep doing it girl!
I think you’ll be my inspiration!
Thank you Angie!!! {blush}
Thank you Angie!!! {blush}
You’re one H-A-W-T momma! What an awesome job you did on losing the weight. I have lost my motivation and really, I nee to find it again. Shrinking Jeans will be doing something with the EAS in the near future so be on the lookout for that!
Thank you honey!!! I am so grateful for you ladies, helping to support
me and make me focus during my plateau. I can’t wait to see what
Shrinking Jeans does!!
Thank you honey!!! I am so grateful for you ladies, helping to support
me and make me focus during my plateau. I can’t wait to see what
Shrinking Jeans does!!
you look amazing and I am sooo jealous. I wish I could find the motivation to go back to the gym:( Keep up the good work.
You are so sweet, Connie, thank you! If the gym is too much to get to, I
would highly recommend working out at home. I’ve never been one to work
out in front of people, I like busting my butt at home, to myself, with
no one but whom I’m comfortable with watching me. Why not try working
out at home, first? There are some good DVDs out there that are
inexpensive. Do you own a Wii?
You look seriously amazing!! You must feel so amazing, too.
I love that you love working out. I’m discovering that I kind of do, too, even though I never really worked out until right before I got pregnant with Tommy. Working out through my whole pregnancy made me feel so good, even when I was 40 weeks and just didn’t want to do it… I really do feel so much better once I’m done working out!
Oh Erin, you are so adorably sweet, and sure are one to talk about that
whole “looking amazing” part 😉
You love working out, too??? I can’t believe how much I love it!! I love
how it’s feeling, and what its doing for my body, heck I work out
sometimes more than once a day, sometimes even more than that because of
how awesome it feels! I totally get it now, how others who have been in
shape for so long do it daily without missing a beat, how it becomes a
part of you. It never clicked for me like it has now!
Such great success. And so inspiring. Good for you, and for us, your grateful readers.
You look amazing.
Disqus provides you with a better way of attracting blog readers to start thread conversations in blog posts. It enables the post to be more interactive and manageable and it presents blog comments in a nicer, web 2.0ish way.
You look fantastic! Congrats!!!!
Your pictures are totally inspiring.
I am working out and trying to stay fit in your area. Fell off the wagon and it would be great to have a workout partner, finally. Ping me on twitter if you are interested.
This is AMAZING!!! You look incredible!! What are your secrets?
It looks great! What an awesome mom you are. Does she love it?
Thank you!! She LOVES loves it. We had a long talk about where to go
with the room, so the colors we both decided upon a while back. One day
we were browsing and she picked out the pillows and blanket and such,
even the color red. She just didn’t know what we were up to lol
That’s awesome, Lisa! I love it! I know she was so excited!! Good job, Mom!
Wow Lisa, that came out great….shoot I want that for MY bedroom.
I love it, but being and only child I was always changing my room as I pleased. So I would have been very upset if my parents changed anything. By the way I love her shirt. Please don’t judge my comment to much Lisa I have had some wine tonight.
My daughter had the exact same preteen bedding! When we redid her room, we went with black and green apple. Hmmmm….either our daughters have similar taste or our great minds are thinking alike! lol
That is so cool! I love the bedspread!
Will you come make over my room? What an awesome bday present!
Way to go, mama, what a great makeover!! 🙂
You are the best mom!!! The room looks great, I love the colors and the bedding and you were able to use the colors of her posters to make it look stylish and modern, awesome job!!
it looks great! i would have LOVED that room as a teenager. heck, if you took away the Jonas Brothers stuff i’d love it now….no offense Jo Bros! i’m just not really a bubble gum, teen-pop kind of gal.
What a wonderful suprise for her. I love the black, red, and white together. Great Job!!
That’s fabulous. Okay, so when will you be by to do my teen’s room? Including painting? But before we do that I have to decide if I’m going to change the kids’ sleeping arrangements. 🙂
Love the teens room and can’t wait to see the pictures.
Looks great ! LOVE the colors ! I just made over my oldest son’s room. He will be 14 next week.
What an amazing gift! I love it!
Wow, great colors and style, you have great taste and what a wonderful gift for her.
Oh I love it! My favorites are black and red! Happy Birthday!!!
Hi Lisa,
Very cool idea. I enjoyed your style of writing too.
She is a lucky girl to have parents like you.
It looks so great! And what a wonderful idea! Happy Birthday to your girl! : )
very informative Extreme Makeover: Teenage Bedroom Edition, Birthday-Style blog. Thanks!
Happy birthday and coooooooooool with the neat room baby
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
awww what a big boy!
my ww: http://mcclurefamilyspace.blogspot.com/
Thanks, he sure is 🙁
It’s so hard and rewarding watching them grow up. What a little cutie!
You said it perfectly, thank you!
Bittersweet. So cute 🙂
Thanks honey, it sure is ..
Look at those little feet and chubby ankles. I LOVE IT! I would be an emotional mess if I had signs of my babies growing up all around me. I love that we get to share these moments with you. :o)
You are so sweet 🙂 I’m glad you get to, too 🙂
Look at that red hair! I remember those days…the ones where you can’t believe how fast they are growing. I remember. The Diva was walking at 9 months and she started standing, holding on to things, and “walking” along the furniture at 6 mos..
September 14th she starts preschool. I am going to lose it. She is still my baby.
I feel your pain…and pride.
Aww, I am completely with you. I will be here for you that day. I know
that day well. *huge hugs* honey
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
He’s pointing at you, love it!
The pointing SLAYS me!
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
OMG! He’s going to be running all over the place. My daughter walked at 10 months. I think she wanted to keep up with her big brother. I totally get what you mean about your heart being in tiny pieces.
He’s definitely a late bloomer for walking with my children, the latest
in fact. But I think he did it to go easy on me, give me a baby a little
while longer, to give me a crawler a little while longer. I needed him
to. I’m really not ready to give that up.
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
I know how the time flies. It’s so hard to look at my 9 year old and believe it has been that long since I held her tiny yet chubby, cooing, drooling, baby-smelling body for hours on end just admiring how wonderful she was. She has since grown into a beautiful, giggling, singing, not-in-a-bad-way diva pre-teen. OMGosh…I just said it…P-R-E-T-E-E-N. I’m going to go cry now. 😉
Check out my WW at Life @ 30!
I’m with you! I have two “pre-teens” and a teen myself. Scary!!! *hugs*
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Aww! Getting Big!
Happy WW!
Thanks honey! He is! 🙁
Thank you! 🙂
Slow down ya over achiever! It doesn’t seem like he should be that big already!
LOL thank you for making me laugh, it is much appreciated this morning.
I’m a wreck.
You’re welcome, but seriously, he’s 11 months?????!!!!!??? Tell that boy to
STOP already. It’s bad enough my baby will be 3 in November. Can’t I keep
someone a baby?
Thank you! 🙂
He’s so cute! What a big boy – it goes by so fast!
Tooo quick 🙁
He is so cute! My littlest girl was 9 months when she walked. They grow so fast. Happy WW!
They do, Toni! My children are usually walking by now. I think he held
out on me because I needed extra time since he’s my last. *sniff*
Awww They def. grow up way to fast.
They do 🙁
Oh he is just too sweet! I will be in this exact same position next year. A almost 1 year old and a kindergartener! Oh my heart is aching already!
Aww *hugs* Spend every waking moment you can cherishing it, it goes by
soo quickly!
Thank you! 🙂
Awwww…such an awesome (bitter sweet) memory! Look out – won’t be long until he’s walking!!
*cries* I know!!!! 🙁
Thank you! 🙂
My little girl (who will be 11 months in a few weeks) just started doing this too and I can never seem to grab the camera quick enough to capture it!
Cute pic!
Awww! Bring the camera room to room with you! 😉 I have the kind that
has a strap, I grab it and bring it in or wear it to ensure I capture it
🙂 I can’t wait until you do, so I can see her standing, too!!
Heartbreaking, isn’t it??
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
They grow so flippin’ fast. My baby turned 1 today and he is trying to walk.
Aww,congrats to your wee one’s first birthday!!!
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Yes, they do seem to grow up so fast, don’t they? Looks like he’ll be walking soon!
They grow up so fast – He is too cute!
abbies are so adorable more so seeing them having their first steps!
happy WW!
Wow, they grow so fast. He will be walking soon, then the chase begins.
Great photo! Thanks for sharing it with us!
I love that picture.
I am sorry to tell you it sounds like you are in the part of LA that my friends grew up in and public schools there are nothing to shake a fist at. I don’t knwo what else to say to help, but to wish you luck.
Love the chubs I have one over here too. Mine’s just walking this last two weeks and now everything at his height is swept onto the floor. Gotta love this stage. He still staggers like a drunk man lol.
TOO FAST!! 🙁 Thanks honey!!!
TOO fast 🙁
I will send walking juju ~*~*~* 😉
Too, too fast 🙁 How are you holding up, momma? Kind of scary with them
at school, isn’t it? :/
Thank you honey, it really is tough 🙁
He’s got ninja-like skills in the growing department, I think.
I’m not sure how it works in the Military, but is it possible that you could have your son tested for a gifted program? If his academic skills are as strong as it sounds like, that may be just what he needs. Often times gifted children need a little something extra even if it is just a class a couple times a week that is geared more towards their ability. I also am not sure how it works in military schools but I know in typical schools it’s part of the law and you can request/demand and IEP. (Individualized Education Plan) this would be where the school as well as yourself would write a plan that would outline goals and things that your son needs to work towards during the school year. Anytime a new goal is met or the child’s needs changed it can be reviewed, updated or modified. I have a friend whose son was fidgity in class and they gave him like a yoga ball to sit on, it was something silly but it made a difference. If none of that makes a difference I would consider going to your pediatrician and getting him/her to recommend some ideas to help your son independently. As you mentioned you could always do home school or maybe there is an off-post school public or private that may be more suited for his needs. Don’t throw in the towel yet, I believe it can all come together. Hold your head high and keep an open mind. This is the my first time reading and commenting on your blog, I hope you don’t mind my 25 cents. (inflation ya know!)
I know!! 🙁 *sobs*
That quote is EXACTLY the quote my third grade teacher gave me for him
last year. I won’t back down, he had 2 teachers in the past that weren’t
good fits for him, and it almost ruined him. I didn’t advocate hard
enough, but at least I could volunteer and help. I haven’t backed down
since, this will be no different.
No, you are perfectly fine, the fact that you agree just makes me
realize I’m not being some crazy person, that I have valid concerns. You
are absolutely right, OPEN DOOR POLICY. I’ve been used to that all my
life. The fact that they don’t makes me wonder if they’re hiding
something? Perhaps not my son’s class, because she is AMAZING, but I
have to wonder..
Thank you SO much for your input. We don’t have a lot of money to do a
private school, either. We’re also on post and all the others are off
post and kind of far. I really don’t know what to do. I’m hoping the
principal will help me today.
I think your son’t principal is a bully. I hope he realizes that he WILL have to make changes if this new teacher doesn’t work for him. Geezzzz…. Don’t you hate being the squeaky wheel? You know all the teachers are talking about you in the break room. lol
haha, I would be one of those parents too, if given the chance! (BTW,
please tell me how you went ahead and got the Super’s # like that,I need
those skillz lol)
The principal was fan-friggin-tastic last year. I was CERTAIN he’d
oblige, especially since I had given him the heads up with my
suspicions. I am floored.I think his teacher got to him first and
complained about him. She’s painting him as some trouble child when he’s
not, and he is also sensitive and will take it to heart. He probably
thinks the teacher doesn’t like him at all right now.
Thank you Amy. I love hearing input from the teacher’s aspect, thank you
for that. I am most certainly a parent that can and has been pleased,
really. It just takes a certain level of consideration to understand,
but this teacher is very short, to the point, take it or leave it
person, and that’s just not going to work. He needs caress and patience,
and if you don’t have it, it isn’t going to work.
Yes, thank you! I literally sat in the principals office and asked if he
had his third-grade teacher in a fourth-grade level. He said ‘no’. He
knows his third-grade teacher was spectacular. I want her again. I want
to go back to Fort Bragg to his second-grade teacher again, too. He’s
made so much progress as far as school and finally getting teachers who
understand him, we can’t revert now. We just can’t.
Unfortunately, I am learning that. I was always close with the schools,
ALWAYS. They were always willing to work with me on many levels. We may
have had some bad teachers, but my being there helped. This is so much
different, because there isn’t much I can do now that he’s in the 4th
grade, it’s strict instruction. No books to be read, no crafts, none of
that. I can volunteer in the library or cafeteria but that’s not going
to help. He needs the teacher to be an extension of me, he needs that
compassion and patience.
With schools becoming increasingly harder to deal with, when their sole
purpose is to help guide our youth with education for their futures, for
EVERYONE’s futures, it makes me wonder – why are they doing what they’re
doing? Because it can’t be for the love of children, or is it only the
love of those who conform, or who are too afraid to be anything but a
‘yes man’?
Thank you Kim. I definitely plan to find out more, and head this off
quickly. I won’t back down.
Thanks so much for your insight Phoebe (by the way, tried to visit to
see your post but didn’t find it? Can you send me the link?)
I am sorry to hear you had a horrible year, definitely fight the good
fight for your child, they are OUR children and you are
abso-friggin-lutely right, they chose this profession! I have met some
fabulous teachers, and some I can call my friends, who truly do
everything they can to help teachers excel. I hope you find that for
your son, and I hope my son’s new teacher will do the same for him
(please see, I updated!)
Greg, there is – they test them for “gifted” to enter the gifted
program. They say he didn’t make it. I am SHOCKED. He actually should be
in 5th grade, but he missed the cut-off. He knows these things backwards
and forewards, and it’s usually out of boredom he gets in trouble. He
has had 2 fabulous teachers back to back that assigned him “busy” work,
extra work or help to them to help keep him from getting in trouble by
being bored. I just found out yesterday his third-grade teacher gave him
“worry beads” to play with in class for those times he couldn’t do
anything after a test but wait. See? /*That’s*/ what I’m talkin’ about
needing for him!
I updated my post. They gave us a new teacher. I am hoping against hope
she’s the answer to all of this. Thank you for your thoughts. I am
besides myself, Greg. This could make or break him forever. I truly wish
teachers saw how important they are, and what they do affects them forever!
Stef, I actually feel that way. I don’t want to switch schools because
of this, I have the absolute PERFECT teacher and that means more to me
than anything. I just don’t know how to rectify this issue. I will
definitely try what you suggest -talk to other parents attending, see
how they feel, if they’d like to join my quest against this unfair rule.
For my older child, I just updated – they will switch his teacher
starting monday. I’m so afraid to be optimistic.
Thank you so much Hillary, advice or no advice offered, your support
helps strengthen me, even if it’s just recognition that it’s a sucky
situation. I appreciate that, and you! *hugs*
That’s fantastically smart, Trisha, to go about it in that same respect
as we do with blogging. Wow, I hadn’t even put that correlation
together. That’s awesome.
Thank you for your faith in me. I suppose I should have more faith in
myself, huh? 🙂
Thanks honey!
Yeah, I’m really afraid of being backed into a corner, I’m really hoping
for the best (ironically, that’s his new teachers name – Best!)
Thank you, honey! I am hoping she is, too!
I know. As much as I bitch and moan, I probably should homeschool,
because no one is probably going to do it better than I can. I guess I’m
just afraid? I mean, like, REALLY afraid of messing it up, and them up.
I don’t know :/
Lisa: just a few thoughts, not to try to sway your opinion UNLESS you want to be swayed!
I too was afraid and still have moments of panic BUT love it! Finding a good mentor is helpful. But I try to always remember a few things…
1. Most (Elementary especailly)teachers go to school to learn how to “teach” in general they have no more knowledge of the text or subject than you and I.
2. No one loves your child as much as you.
3. No one knows your child as well as you.
4. With the internet there are sooooooo many resources … we know our children and can really tailor to their needs and desires and love of learning!
5. There is room for mistakes anf that too can be a learning experience!
6. Look at all you have already taught them before they go to school!
7. You can always go back. I have no idea what your laws are like but usually it is quite simple and there seems to always be loopholes if you need them.
Just a few thoughts … I love it and for many reasons but the fact that I can set our own schedule for family time, we eat all meals together so I know that they are eating well (not rushed, etc.), we can rest when needed … if one has the sniffles they can do their work in pj’s on the couch while sipping tea … it limits the illness in the house! When days are beautiful we can do our work outside!
I hope you find what works for you and the kids! It is so tough!
Off to travel back to TN … as my laptop is down that means 2 days no computer!!!! See you later.
With peace, love and kindness,
Amy Lemmon
[email protected]
Blog: Six Flower Mom
Wow Just wanted to send you good luck wishes and I hope the school situation works out for you.
I’m glad to see you updated and that your son will get a shot with another teacher. Hopefully this new teacher can see the gray. You’d think elementary school teachers would be more gray since that’s how most young kids think and operate. You know where my e-mail is.
How stressful, Lisa. Of course I’m not at the school age experience yet, so I’m not too helpful with advice. But I do so hope there’s an adjustment period and things get better for you all. SO hard!
Oh dear, first let’s take a deep breath. I know I am late in responding, but I hope I can help a little. Having four children of my own with the oldest at 18 and the next at 5 I have had to come to grips with the fact that everyone, everywhere does things differently. I was appalled when my oldest daughter went to middle school and the encouragement to volunteer, stop by, participate and whatnot was discouraged. Not by my daughter, but by the actions and rules set in place by the administration.
Before the school year started this year, my son was slated to go to a different elementary school. I found out that the school’s scores were low and received a letter saying he could be transferred to one not on the needs improvement list. After talking to a teacher friend of mine, I chose the new school. At the original school the teacher loved me when she met me and her and the other kindergarten teachers wanted me to try for PTA president. I was thinking, “Finally my opportunity to make a difference and not just complain under my breath.” Well, at the new school his teacher is a little less than enthusiastic with the parents. She seems hurried, frazzled and distracted and I wasn’t able to win her over. Needless to say, I am on my own.
I saw this all to say, that I understand the feelings that go along with the baby going to school and wanting to keep up the tradition, but maybe you can start another one. Maybe there’s something you can work out with the teacher to “sneak in” an hour while you’re already in the school volunteering to still observe him.
I’m glad your older son was moved to a new teacher and I hope that works out. I am not happy with the way they’ve communicated to you or the things that have been said or the rules in place. You’re definitely right in how you feel and think… try to be okay with the volunteer thing and kick-ass on the gray thing!
I’m behind you all the way!
You got to pick your child’s teacher? WOW!
First I have to say I love your blog. Second I have to say I am from Louisiana & continue to live here & my kids go to school here. Please first don’t generalize the entire area. I regulary volunteer at my daughter’s school & I am allowed to volunteer in her class. I do understand about the no younger sibilings as it is a distraction. I don’t bring my 2 year old b/c everyone wants to play with her. Secondly i don’t know why they don’t teach basic social studies there. I am a product of La public schools & I can say I had basic SS through 6th grade, American History in 7th, La history (which BTW is very unique as we are still under Nepolianic Code unlike the rest of the US hence the parishes vs. counties) then I had Civics & Free Enterprise in 9th, world History in 10th & Am. History in 11th. If you do not believe that this particular school is up to standards check out others in the parish & if they do better then take it to the school board. Louisiana has a pretty good public school system excluding Orleans parish but that is a different story there. I live in St. Tammany Parish so if I can be of any help to you in our struggles let me know. My husband was Army so I feel a little bit of a kinship with you.
Thank you so much for writing me, and for your compliments! I definitely
don’t generalize all of Louisiana, not by a long shot! We love Lake
Charles and we liked Alexandria, and would love to visit Baton Rouge,
Shreveport, New Orleans and more!! We just don’t like the local people
who live around us, we were told before moving here they didn’t like us
(military) and boy are we ever seeing that, it’s their way or the
highway and they don’t understand how much harder they make it for us to
live here, it’s so sad.
Living here in this part of Louisiana for us wouldn’t be half as bad if
the local people wouldn’t make it so hard on us. I had actually looked
forward to the adventure. I am grateful to live so close to my parents
and in-laws, but now I practically count the days until we go. Housing
has been horrible, the schools have been horrible, the locals have
treated us poorly, everything you can imagine that could go wrong, has
gone wrong.
I am so sorry for your troubles. We have a lot of military in this area & they are always welcome. I know you can’t move down here as the commute is to long. I really hate that they are making it so difficult for yall. A lot of natives don’t like there lives upset. I can understand that a little as our area changed greatly after Katrina but the military base has been there for a long time. But bad waters run deep. honestly if there is any way I can be of help don’t hesitate to email me. I can also recommend some good places to field trip & eat in this area if needed. At least you do have your family nearby.
Our Creator in his omnipotent wisdom placed limits on man’s intelligence but no limits on his stupidity.” Konrad Adenauer the chancellor of Germany from 1949 thru 1963
Test =D
I only have 3 kids and have a hard time finding time to work out! You look awesome!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! That is way too cute!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! That is way too cute!!
That’s classic! Why can’t I get kids who will fall asleep like that? No, we have to have nightlights, white noise machines, certain blankies, pillows, etc. My kids are so high maintenance.
OMG, those pics are awesome. That certainly does take mad skillz!!!
Hilarious! She’s adorable! Wish I could sleep anywhere!
She. Is. Awesome!
Too cute … could you do a post on how to get kids to sleep? My little one is not so big on it!!!
Love this post and pic. I had one of my four daughters that could sleep anywhere at any time. Often found her asleep in a laundry basket. And, I have one who can’t sleep unless it is in her own bed- makes travelling “interesting.” Those were the days.
That’s awesome!!! My kid would never do that. One can dream…
Hope you had an awesome thanksgiving!!
LOL! That’s classic! Too funny and cute.
I’m SOOOOOO jealous! My children are like ninjas of anti-sleep. Since they were infants, they have never wanted to sleep. If you learn how to package these ninja skills, I will sell everything I have to be first in line to buy it. 🙂
BTW, she is gorgeous… and talented. I love that she actually has a foot raised as if posing in her sleep.
oh gosh is only i could do this…ahhhhh the possibilities!
That is just too funny… she is just so cute! I wish I could sleep like that… I can’t even sleep in bed for more than 3 hours at a time because of my back/neck.
Gotta see more pictures of the Amazing Sleeping Girl.
She’s so cute. Same as my boy. He slept in a standing if he feel not comfortable with the diapers. That’s looks so cute and funny!
I started the EA Sports Active and for about 26 days went strong, fell of the wagon and have to get back on. Lost 10″ all over and based on your pictures I can see I must get back on the EA Sports Active daily workout!! Thanks for sharing this story and Congrats for holding strong, after 3 kids 2 of which born 2 years 6 days apart I am just now at a point where I can get myself back on track with getting my body back! Great post!
Test out
I love playing the new games Reflexive puts on here like mad caps bettys beer bar Panda Craze that’s a wonderful game to play. You have to hit the S–>key & the D–>key S=Left D=Right it’s pretty fun to play.
good deals
Wow! I wish mine would do that! He won’t sleep at all during the day – EVER!
*Laughing* Kids really can sleep anywhere, anytime…if they want to. Sometimes I wish that I had that ability. 🙂
A Very Very Happy New Year 2010 To You 🙂
This is great! We are hoping to take our children, maybe next year or the year after, we will see how long it takes to save! I love the family pictures!!!!
That’s a great deal. We’ll have to put off Disney another year I think. Our little one is afraid of characters. We’re going to do a Hershey weekend and b’fast with the characters n stuff to see how he holds up first. That way if it totally sucks, we can just come home early and it’s no big deal.
Sounds like it was a great trip. I hope that this year brings as much to all the military families as last year.
So cool – the pic of Woody and your husband is awesome. The trip sounds like it was so fun and thanks for all the tips. I might have to start working on my FIL who is retired Navy. Maybe we all could go to Disney together.
That’s extra super cool. … I love your photos as well.
Thanks for the heads up! We’re thinking about going back before my husband leaves (again) on deployment. We were just there in October, but loved it so much we may just go back!
Happy New Year! It’s lovely to see you all in spite of having many kids, still can go to Disneyland. That was a very nice deal you got your hands on to. Wish I have a chance to go there as well. Kudos to Disneyland for giving special treatment to our military forces and their families.
I really LOVE how Disney World treats the military and Veterans. When we took my son, the cast members always noticed his t-shirts (or his tattoo) too and made sure to thank him. It does make you feel really proud.
Thanks for letting everyone know what they are doing for this year.
fgdg d
You can reply in an email OR by visiting the blog! How wicked
awesome is this!!!
I would have already smacked him.
This is a classic post. You need to print this one. Oh, and the secret to the child proof caps is to hand the bottle to your toddler – DUH lol.
OMG that is hilarious .. I don’t like child proof caps, I do the same darn thing!
You are so freaking hilarious! OMG…. please get some sleep. But I do think it’s a conspiracy with the childproof caps. That happens to me as well. I hope you get some rest and not have to deal with that pharmacist again for the next week or so.
LOL – This made me laugh so hard!!
I often times HATE the child-proof caps for me, but love them for my kids 🙂
Oh–my–gosh! That was freakin’ hilarious!
You know–I’m not sick or anything, but I was telling my co-worker the other day, while I was standing there trying to twist the cap off an Excedrin tube to cure the headache I had, “The older I get the more I can’t open these darn things!”
So, that said–I think we start out not being able to open child-proof caps and we end up in life not being able to open child-proof caps! LOL…
Oh, don’t get me going on those childproof things! Especially the ones with the caplets! Frustration! Love your blog!
Actually, for me, cough syrup is good for nothing! The cape don’t work, neither does the medicine.
I try not to let other adults see me struggling with those caps. It’s embarrassing enough to myself without other people knowing that I can’t manage lining up the little triangles.
LOL! Hilarious and oh hope you feel better soon.
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You sound unhappy. If I had six kids as a result of not listening to a pharmacist somewhere in the past, I’d be unhappy too. Your attitude is all too common in the “hurry up I have nowhere to go” mentality most pharmacy customers have. The PPPA mandates child-proof tops, but your local pharmacy. I hope someday to read something happy from you. I can only imagine your interactions with your local TRICARE healthcare providers.
The whole bedroom is changed. This is one great makeover!
too cutee ! 🙂
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yep. Everyone should have such a futon! I did! Great post!
I saw this on Adventures in Baby Wearing and thought about doing it. But now that I saw it on your blog, I know I should do it. I love your blog and loved your post about your couch! Hugs!
What a well written post. My couch was an actual couch, I guess I am the odd man out.
Fun! We used to have a futon back in the day! 🙂
Cute post. We still have an end table from that stage of life. I have painted it and repurposed it many times. It is old and ugly and should go, but it too is more than what it looks like!
I’m sure this takes many of us back in time!!
You used so many great word pictures, Lisa!
I’d love to hear more about your “decorating on a dime” strategies (and see pictures too!).
Ah the college futon….never owned one, but I know of what you speak! This writing exercise was so much fun to write.. and to read everyone’s entries! I still have my comforter (ala “bed in a bag) from college, it’s now our picnic blanket.
I really like the way you explain things with us, thanks for sharing the nice and interesting post with us! keep sharing the nice post.
This is one thing that I missed and regret not doing. Living on my own.
I love that you chose to write about your futon. I have GREAT memories of a certain college futon. ;-D
That was wonderfully written! Love it. I’m going to click over and check it out now.
Still have one at home too. I admire you for being in this stage of life where you seem so contended and happy. By the way, watch what happens when 1 million young people save over $100 MM for families