- Lose the Baby Weight – Want to Join Me?
- Pride Swallowing Time – My Before Pictures – Day 1
- Busy Mom Fitness – Kill Two Birds With One Stone – Day 2
- Busy Mom Fitness- Sweeten Your Disposition – Day 3
- Busy Mom Fitness – Eating Right and the 6 Week Body Makeover – Day 4
- Busy Mom Fitness – Eating Right, Special K & Recipes – Day 5
- Busy Mom Fitness – Oprah, New Fitness Products & Sane Fitness Cards – Day 6
- Busy Mom Fitness – Update with Pictures & Trying Hard – Day 7
March 20th marked the first day of spring, and as glorious as spring generally is, with it’s blooms, and green grass, buds and leaves sprouting (except for the allergies), it also signifies warmer weather, if it hasn’t already arrived. Usually, warmer weather is a good thing.
Except when you have weight to lose, like me.
If you’re anything like me, and you have a few pounds to lose (or a lot), the idea of heat on it’s way isn’t exactly a welcoming thought. In fact, if you’re experiencing nice weather right now, you’re outside, basking in the sun, enjoying time with your children (while trying not to sneeze your brains out.. just sayin’….) and wishing the weather would get no warmer than it is. 70’s and low 80’s would be sweet – not the type of hot that’ll make you feel like you’re locked in a trunk or being smothered. Or somethin’.
Being overweight with extreme heat (and here it’ll get well over 100 everyday) is just downright torture. It is my goal to lose 20-something pounds to be happy and healthy and able to attempt to breathe during the summer, never mind being able to cart the kids around. Ideally, I’d love to lose this weight before the hot weather hits, but I fear that might be unrealistic, as it this is Louisiana and it’ll get hot quickly.
Now, I know, my baby is only almost 6-months-old. I know you don’t have to lose the baby weight overnight. I know it took nine months to gain, it’ll take at least nine months to a year to lose, etc, etc. Oh, I know.
That doesn’t necessarily make me feel any better about it being there, though. (Or the fact that, since quitting Splenda, I’ve gained four pounds. Bleh.)
So, starting now, I’m on a mission to get healthier, and using the best of whatever means necessary to get there. I have six children to keep up with and I plan to be around to take care of them for a very, very long time, and in order to do so, I need to be healthy.
As moms, we have unique needs in the health department, as it isn’t just ourselves that need us healthy, it’s our children that need us even moreso. When mom isn’t well, things don’t run smoothly, if at all. With that in mind, I’m hoping to take on a mom approach to dieting, fitness and health that will take into consideration our already busy schedules and little ones in tow.
I can say that I’ve been around the dieting block a few times and I know what does and doesn’t work with my body. I’ll give you the low down on a few fad diets I’ve used in the past, and what worked and what didn’t work, from a mom’s point of view. I’ll also be checking out the new stuff out there right now, and giving you opportunities to try them yourself, with upcoming giveaways, too.
I will also help research some new things out there, get some experts on in here to talk about fitness and health, and review some weight loss products that will help give you, fellow mom, the inside info, including the much talked about and seemingly everywhere-you-look Wii Fit. After being given a Wii as a gift for Christmas, my husband and I used a gift card we were given to purchase a Wii Fit, something my husband has used far more than I have. That’s going to change. I plan to try using that, along with trying out some other new products, to help me in my quest to lose the baby weight, keep it off and get healthier overall.
We moms need to stick together, you know? Would you like to join me? Would you like to help keep each other accountable? Consider me your online fitness buddy, if you will. We may not get dressed together and carpool to the gym, but I think our way maybe a little better, don’t you think? Privacy of our own homes, no one strange looking at you. Just us, our computers, our TVs, and our kids there to help. Yes, the kids will help! You’ll find out more, soon.
Are you interested in joining me? Just sign Mr. Linky below. This isn’t signing your soul away or anything, this is just expressing your interest in shedding that baby weight, just like me.
And let me add, you don’t have to be a mom, or have just had a baby, or only have baby weight you want to lose in order to join. This invitation is open to everyone who wants to get healthier, I’m just putting the mom spin on it all, considering every weight loss diet and product out there isn’t necessarily a good fit for busy moms and parents on the go. My focus will be on what is and what isn’t good for our parenting lifestyle.
Join me, subscribe so you don’t miss any updates, and let’s kick that baby weight to the curb, shall we?
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