Hi there! *Waves* Are you visiting from 5 Minute for Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party? Welcome! I’m Lisa, I’ll be your hostess with the mostest a lot of children. C’mon in, make yourself at home. See? My toddler has prepared for your arrival, she threw a laundry party in your honor, and then promptly fell asleep. Too much excitement, I guess.
Hmm. Too late. Sorry about that. Well, it’s here if you need anything. I’m always adding new recipes to my arsenal, I love to cook and bake from scratch, and share and get recipes. How about you?
Did you know that I was lucky enough to have a vlog I did recently appear on the Today Show, as well as being named one of 100 Top Blogs for Expecting Mothers in January? I’m beyond amazed. I mean, who knew that writing about the people you love most in the world could do all that!? I certainly didn’t when I started this blog back in September 2007. I started this blog to marry my love for writing with my love for my family, and chronicle my ramblings and share with others my passion for life, for living, for cooking and more. Whether you’re new here or already a reader, I hope you decide to stick around and share in the fun we have with our family of eight, chock-filled with laughter, funny things kids say, soccer goals, living naturally, crafts, mommy rules, singing, vlogging and so. much. more.
Speaking of who I love the most – look! 12 reasons I hope will help you decide to subscribe and never miss out on our adventures!
Today, we’re partying for a couple of reasons here at Crazy Adventures in Parenting. First, today is my hubby‘s 31st birthday (while you’re here and leaving a comment anyway *batting eyelashes*, would you mind wishing him a happy birthday, too?) Today also happens to be the first day of spring. Yippee! Goodbye winter, hello warm weather (and allergies, bleh).
I’m also partying to celebrate life. As if life itself wasn’t already enough of a reason to party, you see, yesterday we had a pretty big scare, and so, today and always we will cherish ever minute of it and party in celebration of it everyday. Cuz, well, that’s just how we roll.
So, more about us – we’re currently stationed in Louisiana. I’m married to the sweetest soldier ever, and together we’re navigating the crazy I like to call us, with our kids in tow, ages ranging from 13 to 6 months. But not without finding the humor in it all. I mean, what would we be without it?
To keep my head on straight, I keep to do lists. I’m looking to lose the baby weight to keep up with all of my kidlets, and could use a little help. I’m looking for a few people to join me. Would you like to? More on that tomorrow.
I also review products that benefit us and other families, along with hosting giveaways. I love helping others, and giving things away, don’t you?! I’ve got a couple juicy ones about to post you won’t want to miss. In fact, to thank you for stopping by today, comment on this post, you’ll not only gain an extra entry into my upcoming giveaways, you’ll be entered to win one of 3 HP Photosmart Express Giftcards, good for 10 free prints! Contest ends Monday the 27th, 10pm CST.
*Winners were Stacie, Karen and Amber! Congrats!*
While you’re commenting, with all this partying going on, why not recommend to me a couple of your favorite bloggy friends? For each blogger you recommend, you’ll get an extra entry to win the giftcards. Sound cool? Cool.
My son wants to show you what he’s made for you. In crayon. On his etch-a-sketch. (Clever fellow apparently didn’t know what the tool was for. Whoops!)
Can’t read what it says? Here. Look closer.
Perhaps, this time, with drinks that haven’t already been sipped from. *ahem*
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