Ladies and gentlemen, it finally happened. We have grass! They came out of no where and patchworked the sod onto the area of our lawn that once held the tree, and went one further and laid grass on the inside of our fenced area, too! (This area never grew grass because of the shade of the tree). It is BEAUTIMOUS! Woohoo!
We are so proud to have grass, now. We’re diligently watering it twice daily, and I’ve already fertilized it, too. I can’t wait until it’s taken to the soil below it and is soft and plush! I can’t believe how gushy I feel about grass! 🙂
How’s your week shaping up? How’d you do last week? Got anything pressing to do this week, other than to enjoy the summer’s beautiful weather and working on a tan, maybe? Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Water our new grass twice a day! Woohoo!! √√√√√√√
More plants to decorate our beautiful ‘new’ back yard!
Grocery shopping/coupons/list √
Day trip to Lake Charles – I need Target!!!
Sewing and crafts
Post about Summer Boredom Busters
Pool (backyard and public) √
Bowling or something on the too-hot-to-play-outside days
Roller skating, maybe?
Park, if it isn’t scathing hot √
Take walks in morning while still cool? Or evening? √
Homemade organic rice crispie treats, Pumpkin Muffins (made at night?!)
No-bake cookies?Work out at least 30-60 minutes everyday!* √√
Staying on my diet all week long!* √√√√√√*6-ish more pounds to go to my original “goal”! Woohoo!
Whatever is on your to do list this week, please take the time to do something for yourself. Being a parent is so rewarding, but often times we are overlooking our own selves and bodies. After the kids go to bed, take a nice bath, treat yourself to some luxurious lotion, or some tea and a treat while curling up with a book you haven’t been able to look at let alone read in forever. Taking time for yourself is important – commit yourself to doing it once a day and you will see how amazing you’ll feel! Try putting it on your to do list!
Would you like to join us this week for To-Do Tuesday? Start with just a few things. Don’t over-do it your first couple of times. You’ll grow to become a list-a-holic later, start small now, though, k?
Just so you know, you can join us at anytime, it doesn’t have to be on Tuesdays – the list will go up every Tuesday for you to link to, but you can make your list and link to us at any point in the week!
Remember, with “To-Do Tuesday“, we’re attacking our to-do lists each week, blogging about our lists and what we’ve got going on, and sharing it with each other to help keep each other accountable. Everyone should come back here to link up in the Mister Linky as the central “To-Do Tuesday Hub” so we can visit who’s participating and offer encouragement to each other throughout the week. Don’t forget to add the “To-Do Tuesday” button to your post, linking back to this post!
Let’s continue to cross items off our list as we go and help support each other in completing our lists! Don’t forget my useful HTML tutorial on how to effectively “cross-out” or √ “check off” your items on your to-do list!
Joining us? Leave a comment and your link will be edited below!
Participants for Week 20:
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