22 Week Baby Belly
I feel “pointier” than last time, wouldn’t you agree? Kind-of like an arrow, pointing my way this way, or that way. Haha. “Where are you …
I feel “pointier” than last time, wouldn’t you agree? Kind-of like an arrow, pointing my way this way, or that way. Haha. “Where are you …
20 Weeks. T-w-e-n-t-y. The halfway mark, baby. Comin’ to you live from my son’s doctor’s appointment this week, instead of my master bathroom. Because I liked …
I feel like crap today, pardon me if I’m not all glitter and sunshine. I iz tiiiiired, friends. The bright side? I suppose I should …
Why hello, baby belly. You’ve certainly made yourself known these last four weeks. Getting ready to work-out The fluttering and movement inside is getting more …
I wore a tighter shirt for this pic, to really accentuate the baby belly action going on down there, especially since my last picture was …
It’s kind-of hilarious that I have to keep googling “Pregnancy Calculator” to remind myself how far along I am. I kept up with it for …
Taken today, 39w6d Still babywearing! Toddler waving, saying ‘hi!’ 🙂
Not only have the birth dreams begun, signifying it’s almost that time, along with the belly swelling more, that feeling of carrying a softball between …
35+ weeks belly taken at a Children’s Museum over the weekend Taken today, 36 weeks