I feel like crap today, pardon me if I’m not all glitter and sunshine. I iz tiiiiired, friends.
The bright side? I suppose I should feel better about my body, now that I’ve gone and taken a “front” photo of myself. Seriously, I feel SO huge some days that it’s hard to recall I used to look like this in April..
…but I took a front picture, and you know what? I don’t look too far off! (Do I?)
Side-by-side comparison:
It’s not as thin as I was here, after the 30 Day Shred…
In compression pants, too. Which helps slim the thighs, apparently… |
… but you know what? It’s NOWHERE NEAR as bad as I thought (the weight gain). Whew!
19 Weeks this week. Gah! Next week will signify the official “halfway mark.”
Have had no cravings again this week, and I’m not longer completely averted from food, but I’m not exactly eating like a horse, either. Which is good. 18-miles on the books so far this week on the elliptical, too. We’ll see how I feel later, to see I can polish off another 6. Looking dicey with this tiredness today.
Baby bump progression thus far:
One thing is for certain – momma needs to do some ass exercises. Is my ass flattening while my belly’s growing, or is it just me?
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