Playdate at the Park and Proof Mom Truly Exists
I’m the picture-taker. The memory-preserver. The life-capturer. But when I’m the one behind the camera shooting all the time, I’m rarely in the shots themselves, …
I’m the picture-taker. The memory-preserver. The life-capturer. But when I’m the one behind the camera shooting all the time, I’m rarely in the shots themselves, …
Back when I was a kid, if we liked an evening show, we’d have to be done with chores, eating, homework, baths/showers to sit down …
I was the unfortunate victim of being a thumb-sucker when I was young. This only helped my dentist (later orthodontist) stay in business, because I …
As I was busy frying up some ground turkey for dinner, my oldest came around the corner holding my youngest. I immediately inhaled and told …
It was September 26th, 2008, and I felt as big as a house, being a day overdue with Baby Dude. I delved head first into …
I cried during yoga today. I cried as I stretched and breathed and visualized the person I want to be again, the person I fought …
When you’re in college, you go through that self-discovery phase – who am I? What am I doing on this Earth? What am I going …
Two years ago, I had arguably the worst Mother’s Day ever. My husband was away, I was sick, and the kids completely forgot the day …
Seeing the gigantic unopened ten-pound bag of potatoes was enough for me to crave a nice, bitey potato salad. As I washed, peeled and marveled …
Today, as I celebrate being thirty-five years young, and (not) celebrating having to check off the 35-44 category on questionnaires now (instead of the 25-34 …
Looking back at 2010, it’s amazing how fast it all went. I remember some of these happening like it was yesterday, and yet, it was …