Looking back at 2010, it’s amazing how fast it all went. I remember some of these happening like it was yesterday, and yet, it was a YEAR AGO. Whoa. Dude!
Here’s a quick recap of our family’s year in 2010.
January – My kids have contortionist sleeping issues, Christmas tree woes, Mommy gets pissed off at NFL refs, and my time out.
February – Pharmacists are out to get me, slurping cough syrup with a straw, a mother’s prayer and dress up time.
March – RIP Stone of Awesome, being Freedumb, the scariest post I’ve ever had to write, but soon-after, the all-clear and yoga with Baby Dude.
May – Baby Dude gives Jillian Michaels a run for her money, definition of unicorns and rainbows, just call me the fly-whisperer, someone turned six, and mom breaks down.
June – Redecorating, organizing, and fun recipes – ahoy! Kid costume storage, fixing my couch, constructing a redone home, heart-shaped egg sandwiches, chicken tater tot casserole, and SUPER HEROES!
July – Redecorating updates, Baby Dude’s adventures in stitches {sad face}, my son the photographer, our house redone outside, Facebook chat + SIL = awesome, me and all my dancing glory (aka like a dork), death by roadtrip.
August – 13 state roadtrip with the family to go to BlogHer, meet Jennie Garth, Padma Lakshmi and Pioneer Woman, Oreo Cookie Cake, letter stating I have to send my kid to school or go to jail, my date with waxing for the first time.
September – Toddler soccer player, my marathon goal (gulp!), 1980’s me (in pictures!) (oh boy!), Baby Dude’s birthday, more about me.
October – Tackle football begins, the newest illness we can’t get rid of {send help!}, our big family’s laundry routine (brace yourself), Case of the What Ifs and The Story of The Box, if you ever needed proof, Mom’s Always Right.
November – Talking to the wind (yes, you read that right), pee wee football cuteness, death by puppy dog eyes (aka Allergy Testing), chocolate peanut butter muffins, my birthday (I’m *cough* 29 *cough*), and running with kids.
December – Army Wife Freaks Out, Film at 11, flooded again, the bestest day, first band concert, our homemade Christmas tree and DIY budget-friendly Christmas centerpieces.
Wow. What a full year, huh? Here’s to an adventurous and spectacular 2011! I can’t wait!
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